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Ultrasound-Guided Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning Technique Versus Palpation Technique for Radial Arterial Cannulation in Adult Surgical Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
方 法
结 果
我们对260例患者进行了评价。动态针尖定位技术组(n = 132)首次成功率为83%,触诊组(n = 128;)为48%(P < 0.001);相对危险度为2.5;95%置信区间为1.7~3.6。动态针尖定位技术组5分钟的成功率为89%,触诊组为65%((P <0 .001),相对危险度为2.4;95%置信区间为1.2-1.6。触诊组皮肤穿刺次数明显增多(P <0 .001)。置管时间中位术和四分位数范围在动态针尖定位组为81.5 (61-122)秒,在触诊组76 (48-175) 秒(P =0 .7)。
结 论
Kiberenge RK, Ueda K, Rosauer B;Ultrasound-Guided Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning Technique Versus Palpation Technique for Radial Arterial Cannulation in Adult Surgical Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial;Anesth Analg. 2018 Jan;126(1):120-126. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002261.
BACKGROUND:Radial arterial cannulation is most commonly done using palpation, but the use of ultrasound has increased the cannulation success rate. This improvement, albeit significant, has not led to a very high success rate especially in trainees. A modified ultrasound technique for vascular cannulation (dynamic needle tip positioning) has been described for peripheral venous cannulation. We therefore assessed the success rate of this technique compared to the palpation technique for radial artery cannulation in adult surgical patients.
METHODS:We enrolled patients who were having nonemergent operations that required a radial arterial catheter for intraoperative monitoring. Patients were randomized to either palpation or dynamic needle tip positioning technique. Arterial cannulation was performed by anesthesia residents or faculty members. The primary end point was successful cannulation on the first pass. Secondary end points were overall 5-minute success rate and number of attempts within 5 minutes.
RESULTS:Two hundred sixty patients were evaluated. The first-pass success rate was 83% in the dynamic needle tip positioning technique group (n = 132) and 48% in the palpation group (n = 128; P < .001); relative risk was 2.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-3.6. The overall 5-minute success rate was 89% in the dynamic needle tip positioning technique group compared to 65% in the palpation group (P < .001), relative risk was 2.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-1.6. The number of skin puncture attempts was significantly more in the palpation group (P < .001). The median cannulation times and interquartile ranges were 81.5 (61-122) seconds in the dynamic needle tip positioning and 76 (48-175) seconds (P = .7) in the palpation group.
CONCLUSIONS:The use of the ultrasound-guided dynamic needle tip positioning technique increased the first and overall success rates compared to palpation in anesthesia residents and faculty members.
