丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉对玻璃体切除术患者当天术后恢复质量的随机 对照研究

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Patient quality of recovery on the day of surgery after propofol total intravenous anesthesia for vitrectomy


全麻下⾏玻璃体切除是⼀种常⻅的⽇间⼿术。选择⼀种术后恢复质量较⾼的麻醉⽅法是成功⽇间⼿术的必然选择。本研究选择丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉(丙泊酚组)和地氟醚吸⼊麻醉(地氟醚组)为两种有代表性的麻醉⽅法,采⽤质量恢复问卷QoR-40 对玻璃体切除术患者当天的术后恢复质量进⾏评价。

方  法


结  果


结  论



Na SH, Jeong KH, Eum D, et al. Patient quality of recovery on the day of surgery after propofol total intravenous anesthesia for vitrectomy: A randomized controlled trial[J]. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018 Oct

Background: Vitrectomy under general anesthesia is considered as a candidate for ambulatory surgery. An anesthetic method with high quality of postoperative recovery should be selected for successful ambulatory surgery. We thus compared quality of postoperative recovery on the day of vitrectomy using the Quality of Recovery (QoR)-40 questionnaire between propofol total intravenous anesthesia (propofol group) and desflurane inhalation anesthesia (desflurane group) as the 2 representative anesthetic methods.

Methods: Eighty-four patients (20–80 years old) undergoing elective vitrectomy under general anesthesia were randomized into 2 groups. The propofol group received propofol and remifentanil using effect�site target-controlled infusion (TCI), and the desflurane group received desflurane inhalation and remifentanil using effect-site TCI. We assessed quality of recovery at 6 hours after surgery through interviews using the QoR-40 questionnaire. We also collected data related to recovery and complications during emergence and recovery period.

Results: The median of QoR-40 score on the day of surgery was significantly higher in the propofol group than that in the desfluranegroup (181.0 vs 169.5, respectively; P=.033). In particular, propofol group had significantly higher scores for physical comfort and physical independence dimensions. The amount of remifentanil administered was significantly higher, and the emergence time was significantly longer in propofol group. However, there were no significant differences in other complications between the 2 groups.

Conclusions: Propofol total intravenous anesthesia provided significantly better quality of recovery on the day of surgery than desflurane inhalation anesthesia.




编辑:代东君   审校:符校魁

