美国写实主义女画家 Carla Louise Paine 人物、风景、静物作品欣赏

Carla Louise Paine,1982年出生于美国,在意大利佛罗伦萨接受传统和古典油画技法的教育。在佛罗伦萨艺术学院,在 Daniel Graves 导师的指导下,她研究完成了三年的绘画学业。在此之前,她曾在芝加哥艺术学院的学校。她曾参加过全国范围的展览,她的作品被欧洲和美国的私人收藏家所收藏。目前卡拉居住在她的华盛顿奥林匹亚小农场从事艺术。



她还参加了全国范围内以及国际展览,包括在巴塞罗那的欧洲现代艺术博物馆(European Museum of Modern Art)举办的ARC艺术沙龙(Art Renewance Center)的展览、美国油画家协会(Oil Painters of America)、

国家油画和丙烯酸画家协会(National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society)、国际现实主义协会(International Guild of Realistic)和斯科茨代尔美术沙龙(Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art)等。

Carla Louise Paine (b. 1982) American, was educated in the traditions and techniques of classical oil painting in Florence,

Italy. There, at the Florence Academy of Art she completed three years of intense study, spending her last trimester in 2010 in Sweden at the Academy’s Scandinavian branch. Prior to that she studied at the highly regarded School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Carla has received numerous recognition for her work including The Duel Category Award in the Art Renewal Center’s 2016 Annual Salon, Best Figurative in the 2017 International Guild of Realism’s Winter Salon, Best Nude in the Art Renewal Center’s 2015 Annual Salon,

first place in the Collection Beaux-Arts Réaliste 2015 Competition, second place in The Artist’s Magazine 2015 figurative competition, and has been included in Southwest Art Magazine 2016 Artist to Watch feature. She has also been a participant in exhibitions nation wide as well as over seas,

