「法国慢活族」Emily in Paris | 40天无字幕刷美剧Day22

背景音乐:《Summer in Paris》— Oliver Charles Horton

Mindy: I choked in front of billions of people. Not millions, billions. And when they found out who my father was, I became a meme.

I choked~in front~of billions~of people.
◆ choked~in front~of[ʧoʊkt ɪn frʌnt əv]
◆ billions~of[ˈbɪljənz əv]
And when they found~out who my father was, I became~a meme.
◆ found~out[faʊnd aʊt]
◆ became~a meme [bɪˈkeɪm ə miːm]

● “(尤指感情激动、紧张而)说不出话来”:choke
His voice was choking with rage.
● “数以十亿计”,“大量”:billions of
The company has lost billions of dollars.
● “表情包”,“段子”,“梗”:meme

Mindy: I figured that if I was going to try the singing thing again, I might as well do it here, where no one knows me.

I figured that if~I was going to try the singing thing again...
◆ if~I [ɪf aɪ]
...I might~as well do~it here, where no one knows me.
◆ might~as well [maɪt əz wel]
◆ do~it here [duː ɪt hɪr]

●“做...倒也无妨”:might (just) as well do sth
If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him.

Mindy: There are people.

There~are people.
◆ there~are people [ðer ər ˈpiːpl]
Just pick~any song that you want.
◆ pick~any song [pɪk ˈeni sɔːŋ]

● “选择”,“挑选”:pick
Pick a number from one to twenty.
● “评价”,“(尤指)批评”,“指责”:judge
What gives you the right to judge other people?