




考研: 小作文功能句总复习(英语一、二均适用)






Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


拼爹:the competition of family background

啃老:Not in Education,Employment or Training = young people who are over dependent on parents

价值观+品质:cooperation/optimism/confidence/ perseverance/filial piety/ warmhearted people/ honest


Such a scenario can be naturally associated with a host of youngsters from wealthy families. Why? Then, let us closely observe it. On a thick pile of cash, there is a guy, lying leisurely and enjoying tasty wine/beer, with his luxury car and big house behind. Finally, we can notice that his money is parents’ legacy.

A host of young people, in the contemporary society, live in parents’ overprotection or excessive love. This trend is particularly worth concern for the reason that fathers and mothers may focus more eyesight on their kids’ comfort and enjoyment, ignoring the significance of independence. As a matter of fact, parents’ blind love has constituted an obstacle that hinders teenagers’ growth and progress. However, it is advisable for young people to be independent, because to my understanding, independence can be likened to a journey, leading to a promising future. To be specific, independence may bring young generation power, arouse their enthusiasm for life and help them to adapt to fierce social competition.

Accordingly, it is of great necessity for teenagers to enhance or strengthen their independence, confidence and competence by working hard and acquiring more skills. Everyone should bear in mind that parents can not protect their children for a life time.


Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


霸座 forcibly occupy others' seats

public morality 社会公德

awaken/wake up moral consciousness 道德意识

advocate traditional virtue/traditional moral values 弘扬传统美德

duty/responsibility/obligation 责任

shoulder/assume/undertake one’s duty/responsibility 承担责任

fulfill/perform one’s duty/responsibility 履行责任

avoid/evade one’s duty/responsibility 逃避责任

selfish soul 自私的灵魂

immoral behaviors/conduct 不道德的行为

spit everywhere 随地吐痰

make noise, talk loudly 大声喧哗

to respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼

charities 慈善机构

donate/donation 捐款

finish school/finish one’s studies 完成学业


This is a simple but ironic drawing, in which beside an aged grandma, there is a young lady, holding the elderly lady and requesting the man on the seat to give his seat to the old. Finally, we can notice  that the guy is reluctant to offer his seat to the aged, even with great shock in his face.

Chinese civilization is characterized by its many traditional virtues. A case in point is respecting the old in public places, like the bus, the subway or the train. However, in reality, a  host of uncivilized behaviors are frequently reported in various media. This trend is particularly worth concern for the reason that these ignorant men focus much eyesight on their own comfort and enjoyment, ignoring the significance of obeying public order. Typical examples include spitting everywhere, discarding litter everywhere and talk loudly in public. As a matter of fact, these immoral behaviors have constituted an obstacle that hinders our social harmony and civilization.

The society as a whole, accordingly, should construct a positive atmosphere to reject, criticize and restrain any uncivilized conducts in public places. We should bear in mind that a civilized and harmonious society originates from everyone’s joint efforts.


Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain it’s intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


不断前进/永不止步: persistence /perseverance

树立正确目标: setting for right/great aim = pursuing

脚踏实地: a down-to-earth attitude

中国传统文化和西方文化交流: the exchange/communication between traditional Chinese culture and western culture


This simple drawing can be naturally associated with a host of superficial people who like daydreaming. Then, let us closely observe it. On a bed, there is a young but fat woman, sleeping soundly, with an illusion in her mind---she becomes as slim as a model. Although this  dream is gorgeous, when the alarm rings, her sweet dream is broken/spoiled.


Everyone should bear in mind that success originates diligence and a down-to-earth attitude, rather than daydreaming. A case in point is Yao Ming, a renowned basketball player in the world. His industrious efforts bring him confidence, arouse his enthusiasm for the competition and help him (to) achieve success again and again. Thus, hard work and practical spirit, to my understanding, can be likened to a journey, leading to a promising future.


However, in reality, it is a common phenomenon for many youngsters to be ambitious, but be so lazy. This trend is particularly worth concern for the reason that these guys focus much eyesight on their comfort and enjoyment in life, ignoring the significance of practice or actions. A typical example is the lady in the picture, who wants to lose weight, but takes no action.


As a matter of fact, many teenagers' daydreams have constituted an obstacle that hinders their progress and growth. Thus, it is advisable for young people, including me, to be doers and to work hard for the purpose of achieveing dreams.











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