四六级写译每日一词|“一带一路”倡议 The Belt and Road Initiative

“一带一路”倡议  The Belt and Road Initiative


The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China aims to promote inclusive development by encouraging the integration of more countries and regions into economic globalization.

写译每日一词|丰收节 Harvest Festival


写译每日一词|nuclear energy

写译每日一词|国庆出行National Day travel

写译每日一词|奥运吉祥物Olympic mascots

写译每日一词|家和万事兴 harmony in a family makes everything successful

写译每日一词|义务教育compulsory education


写译每日一词|事虽小,不为不成small matters

写译每日一词|中秋节Mid-Autumn festival

写译每日一词|尊师重教respect teachers and value education

写译每日一词|iPhone 11

写译每日一词|教育公平educational equality

写译每日一词|智能手机用户smartphone users

写译每日一词|汉服 Han-style clothing

写译每日一词|生活费引热议 Living costs spark debate

写译每日一词|文化和旅游消费 cultural and tourism consumption

写译每日一词|互联网普及率 the internet availability rate

写译每日一词|传统文化 traditional culture

写译每日一词|志愿者服务volunteer service

写译每日一词|素质教育 well-rounded education

写译每日一词|优化经济结构 optimization of economic structure
写译每日一词∣ 乡村振兴战略 rural revitalization strategy
写译每日一词|“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
写译每日一词| 家教家风 family education and family values
写译每日一词|社会保障体系 social security system
写译每日一词|思想政治教育ideological and political education
写译每日一词∣人均可支配收入per capita disposable income
