Jacques Lacan and the Question of Psycho-Analytic Training Moustafa Safouan
Returning to Freud~ Clinical Psychoanalysis in the School of Lacan
Edited and translated by Stuart Schneiderman
Jacques Lacan : The Death of an Intellectual Hero
Stuart Schneiderman / Harvard University Press
Does the Woman Exist? : From Freud's Hysteric to Lacan's Feminine
Paul Verhaeghe
【经典 关于 癔症 女性性等,推荐】
Beyond Gender : From Subject to Drive
Paul Verhaeghe / Other Press Professional
Love in a Time of Loneliness
Paul Verhaeghe / Other Press
New Studies of Old Villains : A Radical Reconsideration of the Oedipal Complex
Paul Verhaeghe / Other Press / 2009-01-13 / USD 22.00
What About Me? : The Struggle for Identity in a Market-Based
Paul Verhaeghe
Narcissus in Mourning : The Disappearance of Patriarchy
Paul Verhaeghe /
Hysteria from Freud to Lacan : The Splendid Child of Psychoanalysis (The Lacanian Clinical Field) (Lacanian Clincial Field)
【难度 可 推荐】
The Book of Love and Pain : Thinking at the Limit With Freud and Lacan (Psychoanalysis and Culture)
Juan-David Nasio
【难度 可】
The Seductions of Psychoanalysis : Freud, Lacan and Derrida (Cambridge Studies in French)
John Forrester / Cambridge University Press
Truth Games : Lies, Money, and Psychoanalysis
John Forrester / Harvard University Press / 2000-4-17 /
【难度 可】
Language and the Origins of Psychoanalysis
John Forrester / Columbia Univ Pr / 1980-11 /
【难度 可 经典,推荐】
Freud in Cambridge
John Forrester
A2: Translations of Lacan’s written work – ecrits
Most of the written work Lacan produced has been published in Ecrits (1966) and Autres Ecrits (2001). The short list of texts given below has been chosen since despite their density and obscurity students and colleagues have found them better guides to their work than the secondary sources available in English.
The family (1938)【家庭情结 难度可 推荐】
Written for a major French encylopedia when Freud was nearing the end of his life and Melanie Klein had already produced much of her best work, this is a synthesis of classical psychoanalytic thinking organised around the maternal, fraternal and oedipal complexes. It anticipates Lacan’s later thinking on the Name-of-the-Father and his engagement with anthropology and linguistics.
The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of Its Power (1958)
This trenchant and extensively documented critique of post-Freudian psychoanalysis condenses and articulates the themes that Lacan had dealt with in his seminars of the 1950’s e.g the graph of desire, the technique of operating with the signifier. Its rejection of the accepted view of the analyst as master and teacher foreshadows later discussions on transference and the Four Discourses.
Proposal on the psychoanalyst of the school (1967)【通过制度】
A proposal made by lacan
Proposal on the psychoanalyst of the school
Italian Note (1973)【关于通过制度和协会建构】
A letter to Italian analysts
Italian Note
L’etourdit (1972)【极难】
Lacan claimed that this last great synthesis of his work had found its inspiritation and verification in his weekly case presentations of patients in St. Anne. The despair of many French readers these translations are mainly inspired by the commentary of Christian Fierens and is the fruit of 5+ years of reading and discussion, correction and re-correction with a small group of colleagues.
L’étourdit (1972), ‘A Bilingual Presentation of the First Turn’ Summer 2009
L’etourdit – First turn
L’etourdit – Second turn
Texts dealing with the structure of the psychoanalytic organisation.
1964: a) The founding act; b) Adjunct; c) Preamble.
1967: The proposal on the analyst of the School
1973: The Italian note.
B拉康弟子法文著作英文选译本BOOKS 下载点: http://www.lacaninireland.com/web/translations/books-articles/
1. Charles Melman Returning to Schreber, 1994-1995 Seminar on psychosis.
This translation of Charles Melman’s year-long seminar on Scheber offers a privileged insight into a unique style of teaching which by its clinical richness, its lucidity and its spontaneity has formed a whole new generation of Lacanian psychoanalysts. Further examples are given in the articles listed below.
This commentary on Lacan’s most difficult piece of writing has opened up a precious text that for the majority of readers had remained impenetrable since its publication more than a generation before. It is hard to over-emphasise its importance for a fruitful reading of Lacan’s final formulations on topology, the Four Discourses and the formulae of sexuation. A wideranging discussion in which Fierens participated is recorded in The Letter (no41, summer 2009)
2(b. THE PSYCHOANALYTIC DISCOURSE: A Second Reading Of Lacan’s Etourdit (2012)
Fierens’ second text takes an entirely different approach from his earlier work in 2002. The current work is an interpretation of Lacan’s Etourdit, reflecting Fierens’ understanding of this text.
3. Guy Le Gaufey A critical reading of Lacan’s formulae of sexuation (Le pastout de Lacan).
This book which the author has described as an instrument de travail leads the reader step by logical step along the extraordinarily complex path taken by Lacan in order to arrive in the late 1960’s at some of his most illuminating and controversial positions on the non-relationship between the sexes. This is complemented by a historical review and an analysis of the peractical clinical consequences of the formulae of sexuation. The discussion in The Letter (no 39, autumn 2008) in which Le Gaufey participated helps introduce this very important work.
3a) Prologue and Faille of Notall;
3b) Towards a critical reading of the formulae of sexuation;
3c) Some clinical consequences of the logical differences between the sexes.
Christian Fierens:
1. ‘Saying notall with reference to Le Gaufey’s ‘Lacan’s notall’, Autumn 2008
2. ‘‘Foreclosure and Discordance: Is Schizophrenia Thinkable?, Spring 2009
3. ‘Response to Tom Dalzell’, Summer 2009
4. ‘Reading L’etourdit’, Summer 2009
5. The Tool of Diagnosis and Operation of the Mathème, Spring 2012
Frederic Gros:
5. ‘Note on sexuality in the work of Michel Foucault’, Autumn 2000
Claude Landeman:
6. ‘Pascal’s wager’, Spring 2001
Jean-Pierre Lebrun:
7. ‘The 21st century will be Lacanian or it will be Barbarian’, Summer 2000
Charles Melman:
8. ‘Paranoia’, Summer1994
9. ‘Addiction’, Summer 1999
10. ‘Returning to Schreber: 15th December 1994’, Summer 2002
11. ‘George Best and the Names of the Father’, Spring 2006
12. ‘Schreber’s Lack of Lack’, Spring 2009
13. ‘What Thrilled Me in Fierens Book’, Summer 2009
Jean Allouch:
14. ‘Fragilities of Analysis’ Autumn 2014
Barry O’Donnell:
15. ‘Notes on the Greek Expressions in Fragilities of Analysis’, Autumn 2014
C爱尔兰拉康协会网站创始人Cormac Gallagher的文章:【绿色推荐】http://www.lacaninireland.com/web/papers/
Papers by Cormac Gallagher
The first three articles are occasional pieces. With the foundation of The Letter they are usually articulations of one aspect of a topic being dealt with in a particular issue and should be read in the context of the other papers in that issue.
‘A stranger to myself: alienation in the Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius’. Anglo-Irish Symposium on Ignatian Spirituality, 1978, [Revised]
‘The function of the father in the contemporary family: psychoanalytic notes’. Studies, an Irish quarterly review, Summer 1986, pp 130-138
‘The psychologist as psychoanalyst: the proper study of mankind’ The Irish Journal of Psychology, 1987, VIII, 2, 111-126
1994 – in The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
‘Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam: an Irish stew?’ Summer 1994 [First meeting of the European Foundation for Psychoanalysis, Dublin, 1992]‘
‘The Historical Development and Clinical Implications of Jacques Lacan’s Optical Schema’ Cormac Gallagher and Mary Darby. Autumn 1994.
‘Hysteria: does it exist?’ Spring 1995 [Royal College of Psychiatry in Ireland]
‘Lacan’s summary of Seminar XI’. Autumn 1995
‘High anxiety: a theoretical and clinical challenge to psychoanalysis’. Spring 1996 [American Lacanian Conference: Chicago]
‘Religion and obsessional neurosis.’ Autumn 1996 [Association of Moral Theologians in Ireland]
‘Being, knowing and sexual difference’. Spring 1997
“Despair despair despair…spare” – affect in Lacanian theory and practice. Autumn 1997 [University Association for Psychoanalytic Studies Canterbury]
“Ireland, Mother Ireland”: an essay in psychoanalytic symbolism’. Spring 1998
‘Lacan for beginners: Dora and Little Hans.’ Summer 1998
‘Jacques Lacan’s summary of the Seminar of 1966-1967: The logic of phantasy.’ Spring 1999
‘Sexual difference in the logic of phantasy’. Autumn 1999 [Nomos Conference, Rome, May 1999]
‘A reading of the Psychoanalytic Act (1967-68).’ Spring 2000
‘Lacan’s summary the Psychoanalytic Act’. Spring 2000
‘On first looking into Foucault’s History’. Autumn 2000
‘From an Other to the other: an overview’. Spring 2001
‘2001 International Symposium on Psychoanalytic Research at Bejing University.’ Summer 2001
‘What does Jacques Lacan see in Blaise Pascal?’ Autumn 2001 [Bejing Symposium April 2001]
‘The new tyranny of knowledge: Seminar XVII (1969-70) – background and overview’. Spring 2002
‘On a discourse that might not be a semblance: Seminar XVIII (1971): a collage.’ Spring 2003
‘Where was Jacques Lacan in 1971-72?…Ou pire and The knowledge of the psychoanalyst.’ Spring 2004.
‘Re-Englishing Encore’. Spring 2005
‘Nets to knots: the odyssey to a beyond of barbarism.’ Autumn 2005 [International Joyce-Lacan conference, Dublin Castle 2005]
‘Lacan’s Viator and The time traveller’s wife.’ Spring 2006
‘From Freud’s mythology of sexuality to Lacan’s formulae of sexuation.’ Autumn 2006
‘Introduction to Guy Le Gaufey’s article on sexuation.’ Autumn 2008
‘‘Laytour, late tour, l’étourdit.’ Summer 2009
‘The patient as actor: notall in the case presentation.’ Autumn 2009
‘The Founding Act, the Cartel and the riddle of the PLUS ONE.’ Summer 2010
‘Psychological Object or Speaking Subject: from Diagnosis to Case Re-presentation.’ Spring 2011
‘What can we learn from Freud’s critique of religion?’ Summer 2011
‘Blessed are the Pacemakers – Dementia, Psychosis, and the Psychoanalytical Discourse’ Spring/Summer 2014