
诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司成功完成日本第二架 RQ-4B 全球鹰首飞


2021 年 6 月 26 日

继2021年4月初日本首架RQ-4B 全球鹰无人机成功首飞之后,诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司(纽约证券交易所代码:NOC)最近为日本完成了第二架无人机(UAV)的额外成功飞行。全球鹰是唯一一款全天候提供近乎实时的按需数据的高空、长航时无人机。

据航空技术新闻网消息:继日本首架全球鹰于 2021 年 4 月 15 日首飞后,诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司自主系统副总裁兼总经理简·毕晓普表示:“非武装的 RQ-4B 全球鹰无人机将为日本提供按需情报、监视和侦察信息支持日本航空自卫队保护边界、监测威胁和在需要时提供人道主义援助的任务。

全球鹰是唯一一款可以全天候提供近乎实时的按需数据的高空、长航时无人机 (UAV)。一旦部署,“全球鹰”将与其他日本情报资产整合,包括地面指挥和控制单位。该能力将提供监控和威慑地区威胁的解决方案,以确保日本在未来很长一段时间内拥有高效的国家安全态势。

诺斯罗普·格鲁曼 (Northrop Grumman) 的自主 HALE 系统系列,包括全球鹰无人机,是美国全球盟国和共同防御组织网络化全球 ISR 收集的重要组成部分。Global Hawk 收集 ISR 数据,使决策者能够在正确的时间使用正确的信息采取行动。当日本的“全球鹰”无人机机队全面投入使用时,它将成为越来越多运营高空长航时无人机的盟国名单的一部分。美国、澳大利亚、北约和韩国都将使用这一重要的国家监视资产的版本。
 Northrop Grumman completes successful first flight of Japan’s second RQ-4B Global Hawk

by Aerotech News · June 26, 2021 8:16 am - Updated June 26, 2021 7:23 am

On the heels of the successful first flight of Japan’s RQ-4B Global Hawk in early April, Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) recently completed additional successful flights for the second unmanned air vehicle (UAV) for Japan. Global Hawk is the only high-altitude, long-endurance UAV to deliver near real-time on demand data around the clock.

Following the first flight of Japan’s first Global Hawk on April 15, 2021, Jane Bishop, vice president and general manager, autonomous systems, Northrop Grumman, said “The unarmed RQ-4B Global Hawk will provide Japan with on-demand intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information supporting the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s missions of protecting borders, monitoring threats and providing humanitarian assistance in times of need.

Global Hawk is the only high-altitude, long-endurance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) to deliver near real-time on demand data around the clock. Once fielded, Global Hawk will integrate with other Japanese intelligence assets, including ground-based command and control units. The capability will provide solutions to monitor and deter regional threats to ensure Japan has a highly effective national security posture well into the future.

Northrop Grumman’s family of autonomous HALE systems, including Global Hawk, are a critical component of networked, global ISR collection for allied nations and mutual defense organizations around the world. Global Hawk collects ISR data that enables decision makers to act with the right information at the right time. When Japan’s Global Hawk fleet is fully operational, it will be part of a growing list of allied nations operating high-altitude long-endurance UAV. The United States, Australia, NATO and Korea will all be operating versions of this vital national surveillance asset.

