
背景音乐:Mika - Underwater


The Wall Street Journal/华尔街日报:

Olympic Athletes Have Nothing on China’s Lunch-Delivery Guys

In China, cheap labor and the advent of smartphone food-delivery apps have combined to transform office lunchtime culture. Meals appear with a few swipes on a smartphone, and customers get up to 30 deliveries for as little as $3 a month.

Young women smile and say the delivery men are better than boyfriends; unlike their male beaus, the Waimai Xiaoge always deliver.


Robert White

The hidden cost here is environmental. Tons of plastic take-away containers, bags and utensils every day.

Katy and Lenny Berman

Splendid work ethic!

The Real McCoy‏

They drive like absolute maniacs.

Noboru Kawai

Surely these young riders do other jobs when their customers are not eating lunch. May be going up and down the stairs for endurance training. May be true Olympic hopefuls, these riders.

James Dietrich

These are the immigrants we want. They work hard and don't abuse drugs.

francine green

This is one element the Chinese have over A mericans. Their work ethic and ability puts us to shame. And they have many more wonderful abilities.


The pace of life is already too fast. There's more to life than money.

Scott Riney

Exercising like that in Beijing pollution -- wow.

have nothing on 比不上;不占优势

cheap labor 廉价劳动力

advent 出现

food-delivery app 外卖应用程序

swipe (手指在触屏上)滑动

beau 男朋友

deliver 履行承诺;说到做到

take-away 外卖的(饭食)

utensil 厨房用具;餐具

maniac 疯子

endurance training 耐力训练

hopeful 有希望成功的人

abuse drugs 滥用毒品

put to shame 使相形见绌

pace of life 生活节奏

