

O call not me to justify the wrong,

That thy unkindness lays upon my heart,

Wound me not with thine eye but with thy tongue,

Use power with power, and slay me not by art,

Tell me thou lov'st elsewhere; but in my sight,

Dear heart forbear to glance thine eye aside,

What need'st thou wound with cunning when thy might

Is more than my o'erpressed defence can bide?

Let me excuse thee, ah my love well knows,

Her pretty looks have been mine enemies,

And therefore from my face she turns my foes,

That they elsewhere might dart their injuries:

Yet do not so, but since I am near slain,

Kill me outright with looks, and rid my pain.

讲真,我有点开始喜欢dark lady了。

首先,她真的很美,脸蛋美,特别是眼睛。诗人说,宁愿她用话语伤害他,不愿她用眼睛Wound me not with thine eye, but with thy tongue,可见她的眼睛杀伤力有多大。

但最让Bunny着迷的地方,还是她的“诡计”,诗人用art/cunning等词语来控诉她的“撩汉技巧”:像别人示好哦,让他吃了醋哦...也许(很大可能)dark lady根本就不是很在意诗人,他只是她宴会上角落的一个小人物,她的石榴裙下,根本没有他拜倒的席位。

她的眼神,也不可能随时投向诗人——这让诗人生不如死:Yet do not so, but since I am near slain, Kill me outright with looks, and rid my pain. 虽然你的目光会杀死我,但是还是看过来吧女神,不要忽略了宴会里孤单没朋友的我~



I'm that bad type

Make your mama sad type

Make your girlfriend mad tight

Might seduce your dad type

I'm the bad guy, duh

I'm the bad guy

