[第63次听写] 宝贝老板(七) 甩掉字幕看电影
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影. 把你听到的句子写在评论里, 和我一起坚持. 哪怕你只听懂了几个词, 也可以写下来. 迈出第一步比什么都重要.
He was the youngest chief executive infant in the history of the company.
Was? What happened to him?
Years ago.
But I still try and live up to his legend.
In every situation I ask myself WWSCBFBBD, what would super colossal big fat boss baby do?
That’s(So that’s) all you get?
Your picture on the wall?
Come here, I’ll get a promotion.
The corner office, with my own private potty.
So when you’re done, you’re coming back here.
I’m not a family man. I belong behind a desk.
It’s awesome.
I know, right?
Piu piu.
1 这段比较简单, 主要是比较短, 听写+对答案10分钟.
2 过去时就暗指该动作, 该状态已经没有继续保持了, 所以当他说he was the youngest…就暗指he no longer is…这是口语中对过去时经常使用的一种用法.
3 I’m not a family man听着感觉好像有点不像, 有的时候因为发音, 口音, 录音音质等各种原因, 一些东西可能听着不那么像, 但需要能够根据上下文, 果断地判断出就是它.