[第442次听写]Roll with This和翻滚有关吗?
我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长.我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持1年多了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~
8-9 Kate. It’s a T-shirt. We can roll with this, right? He was more than a T-shirt. Okay? -Okay. -Okay.
Kate. 那只是一件T恤. 我们可以的, 对吗? 爸爸不仅仅是一件T恤
roll with it/this=将就一下, 克服一下
To adapt to a situation despite unexpected circumstances or challenges
I had no idea it was going to be a double date, but I decided to just roll with it, and it actually turned out to be fun.
roll with this为什么中间的with听不到?
因为这里with this辅辅连读, 省前读后
或者使用我们今天讲的”捕捉音节法”, 去捕捉roll this之间是不是还有一个音节
网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~
1 We were just calling, we wanted to know if you could remember where you packed our dad’s Daytona T-shirt.
我们打电话, 是想问一下你记不记得把我们爸爸的DaytonaT恤装哪里了?
2-3 Oh, my God, did I forget to pack the T-shirt? I totally forgot to pack the T-shirt. Ah, ah, Okay, okay, I can figure out a way to get it. There’s still time.
噢, 我的天. 我是不是忘记打包T恤了? 我肯定是忘记了. 啊, 啊, 没事, 没事, 我有办法把它弄过来的. 还有时间
4-5 It’s fine. Everything’s fine. Everything is great, -Really? -Yeah, really. Um, It’s no biggie. Ciao. -Okay, bye.
没关系. 一切都很正常. 一切都很好 -真的? -是的, 真的. 没事的, 拜拜 -拜
6 -Hey, it sounds like it’s just a shirt,right? -Yeah, well, it’s not just a shirt, Ma.
-听起来似乎只是一件T恤而已, 对吧? -嗯, 但其实并不只是一件T恤, 妈妈
7 Okay. We’ll round up anything of Dad’s we can find, and then, tomorrow morning, you’ll take your pick. -Okay?
嗯, 我们把所有我们能找到的爸爸的东西都弄到一起, 然后, 明天早上, 你挑一个. 行吗?
8-9 Kate. It’s a T-shirt. We can roll with this, right? He was more than a T-shirt. Okay? -Okay. -Okay.
Kate. 那只是一件T恤. 我们可以的, 对吗? 爸爸不仅仅是一件T恤