中国传统美德 1 Traditional Virtues of China 1


Respecting the Aged and Caring for the Young

It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation to respect the aged and love the young. For thousands of years, people have considered it a social responsibility and the code of conduct to respect the aged and care for the young. Mencius in the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) said that one should respect the elderly relatives of other people as one's own, and take good care of others' children as one's own.


Offering birthday felicitations to the old in a traditional way

An old Chinese saying says, 'Filial piety surpasses all the other virtues.' It would be unimaginable that a person who shows no filial piety to his parents would abide by laws and love his homeland and people.
孔子的弟子子路非常孝顺,小时候家境贫困,经常自己用野菜充饥,却从百里外的地方买米背回家孝敬父母。早在汉朝时,政府就曾多次发布命令,提倡、奖励孝敬老人的行为。当时政府发给70 岁以上的老人一种拐杖,用这种拐杖的老人,在社会上可以得到特殊的优待和照顾。汉文帝的母亲生病时,文帝每次都要亲自尝过汤药的冷热后,才端给母亲。东汉时有个叫黄香的人,从小孝敬父亲,为了让父亲睡得舒服,他夏天用扇子为父亲扇凉席子,冬天用身体为父亲暖温被窝。清朝康熙、乾隆年间,都曾多次举办过“千叟(sǒu) 宴”,将高寿老人请到京城,设宴庆寿。
Zilu, a disciple of Confucius, displayed deep filial affection to his parents. Born in a poor family, he often fed himself with wild potherbs, but carried rice home from a hundred li away for his parents. As early as in the Han Dynasty, the government issued many orders advocating, encouraging and rewarding behavior related to treating the old with filial respect. At that time, the government distributed a kind of walking stick to those over 70, and those with the stick could get special treatment and care. When the mother of Emperor Wendi of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) was ill, the emperor tasted the decoction of medicinal ingredients in person each time before he carried it to his mother. In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), Huang Xiang treated his father with filial respect from his childhood. In order to let his father sleep more comfortably, he cooled the old man's sleeping mat with a fan in summer and warmed the quilt with his own body in winter. In the Kangxi and Qianlong periods of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD), thousands of elderly men were invited by the emperor to the grand imperial banquet in the capital.
Chinese people's solicitude for their descendents is to educate with love and discipline with tolerance, embodying a strong sense of moral responsibility. An old Chinese saying goes, 'Feeding without teaching, the father should be responsible for his fault; teaching without strictness, the teacher would be blamed for his laziness.' In a Chinese family, parents would try their best to provide favorable conditions for their children's growth, and meanwhile expect their children, through their own good behaviors and continuous education, to become nobleminded contributing members both to the family and the society. When Mencius was young, his mother was afraid that the chaotic living environment would have a negative impact on his growth, and thus moved three times, until they settled down near a school. Chinese people have valued family education since remote antiquity. A number of books on educating children left by ancient men have embodied Chinese people's earnest solicitude and expectation for their children.


A painting telling the story 'Mencius' Mother Moved Three Times'

The tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young has been carried forward in modern times. At present, the old and the young in China have their own legal holidays — the Elder's Day on the ninth day of the ninth month of Chinese calendar and the Children's Day on the first day of the sixth month of Gregorian calendar. The traditional virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young has guaranteed the harmony of families and the stability of the society, and meanwhile provided a firm social foundation for the multiplication and development of the Chinese nation.


The Elder's Day and the Children's Day in China demonstrate the fine moral teaching of respecting the aged and loving the young


中国文化常识 / 任启亮主编. — 西安:陕西师范大学出版总社有限公司, 2015.5

