Devon Hall has lived most of his nearly seven decades in Duplin County, N.C. The land is flat and green there in the southeastern part of the state, about an hour's drive from the coast.
It's lovely unless you live downwind of one of the county's many industrial hog farms.
"It can get really bad," says Hall, the co-founder of the Rural Empowerment Association for Community Help in Duplin County.

There are about 2 million hogs in the county, outnumbering residents by 29 to 1, and they produce a lot of waste.
Because farmers spray the pig waste on fields as fertilizer, microscopic pieces of feces pollute the air and water.
For decades, residents have complained that just breathing can make your eyes water and your throat itch and can cause nausea and dizziness.
Hall worked with researchers in the early 2000s to study the health effects of farm pollution.
Studies found that families living near hog farms have higher rates of infant mortality, kidney disease and respiratory illness.
And in Duplin County, it is people of color who are disproportionately harmed.
"If you look at the maps," Hall says, "and you begin to look at where these facilities are located, it's pretty much in communities of color."
Across the country, disproportionate exposure to pollution threatens the health of people of color, from Gulf Coast towns in the shadow of petrochemical plants to Indigenous communities in the West that are surrounded by oil and gas operations.

Generations of systemic racism routinely put factories, refineries, landfills and factory farms in Black, brown and poor communities, exposing their residents to far greater health risks from pollution than those in whiter, more affluent places.
The federal government has known of environmental injustice for decades.
Presidents have promised to address it.
But a legacy of weak laws and spotty enforcement has left Black, brown and poor communities mired in pollution and health hazards.
The federal government, for instance, has repeatedly acknowledged that hog farm pollution is dangerous and that people of color get hit the hardest.
But after studies and community meetings, lawsuits and federal programs meant to address environmental racism, Hall is as frustrated with the government as he is with the polluting companies.
"The community has been crying out for years, you know, petitioning EPA," he says, and yet the Environmental Protection Agency has not finalized a method to estimate air pollution from hog farms, let alone cracked down on that pollution.
"Nothing changes," Hall says. "It's frustrating."
The Biden administration has pledged an aggressive, broad-based approach to achieve environmental justice.
Among a raft of executive actions on the climate Biden signed on Wednesday was one creating a White House council on environmental justice and a pledge that 40% of the benefits from federal investments in clean energy and clean water would go to communities that bear disproportionate pollution.

Biden's nominee to run the EPA, Michael Regan, would be the first Black man to lead the agency, and top positions in other agencies and within the White House are being filled by people who have spent their careers working on equitable climate and environment policies.
And, Hall says, those who want to use their power to address environmental racism should ask themselves two questions: "How do you give a voice to the voiceless? Who are you going to listen to, and for how long?"