
Who has no regrets about things done in the past?


Wouldn't it be nice if, somehow, we could go back to tweak a couple of bad decisions?


This sounds (and as we will see, is, to a certain extent) like science fiction.


The laws of physics prohibit traveling backwards  in time for many reasons.


If we did travel backwards in time and changed the course of events, we would be altering the course of history.


An example often cited is the grandfather's paradox: If you traveled back in time and killed your grandfather when he was still a high school student, he wouldn't have met your grandmother and your father and you wouldn't exist.


A popular example of traveling back in time is the fascinating Canadian TV series Travelers: In a distant future, the Earth is in shambles; humans are controlled by a benevolent artificial intelligence that finds a way to project the consciousness of people into unaware hosts in the 21st century.


The idea is that travelers from the future take over the minds of people in the 21st century right before they are about to die.


There is some obscure talk about quantum entanglement of consciousness between traveler and host, but this is secondary.


The point of the show is that the travelers go back to try to change the course of history — so that the future looks better.


Putting humans or consciousness traveling back in time aside for the moment, is there anything in science even remotely similar?

暂时先不管把人类或者意识穿越到过去 这回事,科学上有没有哪怕稍微与之类似的东西呢?

Surprisingly, yes.


At the level of quantum particles (we are talking individual photons, elementary particles or individual atoms), there is something called Wheeler's delayed-choice experiments that show that actions in the present can influence the past.

在 量子水平(我们讲的是单光子,基本粒子或者单原子),有一种叫做惠勒的延迟选择实验,展示了现在的行为可以影响到过去。

The experiments use something called the wave-particle duality of light and of matter, the fact that the physical nature of quantum objects is undetermined until it is measured.


In other words, this means that a particle of light, or of matter, can behave either as a wave (spreading out in space, showing interference) or as a particle (staying together as a small bundle) depending on the measuring apparatus.


Long and ongoing discussions about the nature of quantum physics are still trying to work out what this actually means.


Do our minds determine the nature of physical reality?


But experiments measure — they don't ask questions of meaning.


John Wheeler, the physicist who proposed such experiments in the 1970s, would have been amazed if he had seen the current results.


It does seem that the present can influence the past, at least at the level of quantum objects.


Imagine that there is a source of photons (or other small quantum particle).


The photons can pass through a double slit.


Behind the double slit, there is a screen.


If the photons hit the screen, those conducting the experiment observe an interference pattern of bright and dark fringes, typical of waves.


If the screen is not there, and there are photon counters aligned with the slits, the photons will hit either one or the other, behaving like little bullets (or particles).


So far, this is the typical setup for a double-slit experiment.


The "mystery which cannot go away" (as physicist Richard Feynman famously remarked) of the double-slit experiment, is that the person performing the experiment determines the physical nature of the particle — i.e., whether it is a wave or a particle.

双缝实验被物理学家理查德.费曼经典地评价为“解不开的谜团” ,这谜在于进行实验的人决定了粒子的物理特性——也就是说,它到底是波还是粒子。

And, with Wheeler, the mystery deepens.


Imagine that the setup — having or not having the screen — is decided after the photon goes through the slits.


In 2007, a group in France did exactly that,  letting a single photon pass through a double slit and then, after it passed through, having a random number generator choose whether the screen would be there or not to detect it.


As Wheeler wrote, "Thus one decides the photon shall have come by one route or by both routes after it has already done its travel."


Since then, many other groups  have performed refined versions of the experiment, confirming Wheeler's intuition.


Unfortunately, these experiments say very little about how we could interfere with the past in events relevant to the human scale.

遗憾的是,这些实验室并不能太多告诉我们在那些影响整个人类的历史事件中可以如何干涉。 Better to think carefully about decisions than to try to fix them backwards.




