
Distinctly, I remember a chilly autumn day when wandering along a street lined by tall trees on both sides, I, almost all of a sudden, was overwhelmed by a strong feeling of sadness and desperation.
Exactly for what reason, I could not quite figure out at that time, and all I knew was that tears welled up in both my eyes and I struggled violently against the impulse to dial that once so familiar number and begged for his come-back.
Well, anyway, I have to tell you the truth at that time I just broke up with a boy I had been planning to spend the rest of my life with. It is just over totally and completely even before I realized it. Forever, he is gone, leaving nothing but my fragmentized heart.
So, at that chilly autumn day, what did haunt me was
a complex and complicated problem, a seemingly annoying problem ---what, to be exact, is love.
Whenever I cannot find a satisfactory answer to a certain issue in the real life, it is just I who will turn to books I have read for help.
And this kind of love thinking reminds me of one of my favorite novels---GONE WITH THE WIND ---one which can touch me and stir something inside me every time I read it.
Of course, about this world classic,from different perspectives, different things can be said and analyzed, I,however, have decided to elaborate only according to my understanding, and that is love.
What is love?
Answer varies from person to person, and nobody,psychologists or sociologists alike, can give an accurate definition.
And they, actually, have made such attempts but the result, you see, turns out to be in vain and just not that satisfactory.
So , here, I am not planning to make any definition, quite on the contrary, I want to deconstruct a traditional understanding of love.

Maybe, I just say maybe, love is only a figment in our imagination. This is what I conclude after reading this novel.
From the very beginning, we know Scarlett has a childish crush with Ashley and for her whole life Ashley is her dream and has uphold her through so many dark years.
Yes, in her life, there is always Ashley, desolate, heart-broken, ready to scream at fate as she often is, always, there is still Ashley.
This kind of love towards Ashley has made her turn her back against many men, even Rhett who does love her heart and soul; this kind of love blinds her very eyes and she just lives in her imaginary love for so many years。
Until one day---the day at Melly’ death when Ashley chose to run away from his wife and avoid to face the cruel fact---she woke up suddenly and saddened by an acute dullness and clear realization that she Scarlet never loves Ashley before, and he just never really existed at all, except in her imagination.
At this, she cried and at that very moment she needed Rhett, needed him so desperately that she just hoped to have wings to fly to his broad bosom that she had neglected for so long.
That day she realized that she only loves something she made up, something that is just as dead as Melly is.
She made a pretty suit of clothes and fell in love with it.And when Ashley came riding along , so handsome ,so different, she put that suit on him and made him wear it whether it fitted him or not. And she wouldn’t see what he really was. She kept on loving the pretty clothes—and not him at all.
She just loved her own imaginary Ashley for so long until she found out at Melly’ death how week and coward he was, and her life-long dream was shattered into fragments.

She looked back down the long years and saw herself in green flowered dimity, standing in the sunshine at Tara, thrilled by the young horseman with his blond hair shining like a silver helmet.
She could see so clearly now that he was only a childish fancy , no more important really than her spoiled desire for the earbobs she had coaxed out of her papa.
For , once she owned the earbobs, they had lost their value, as everything except money lost its value once it was hers. And he, too, would have become cheap if, in those first far-away days, she had ever had the satisfaction of refusing to marry him.
If she had ever had him at her mercy, seen him grown passionate,jealous, sulky, pleading ,like the other boys, the wild love which had possessed her would have passed, blowing away as lightly as mist before sunshine when she met a new man.
At this sudden realization, Scarlet needed Rhett, one who for so many years had loved her as much as a man could love a woman but she Scarlet had ignored so cruelly. But now, she really needed him,desiring to nestle besides him whispering her love to him.
So, she run home quickly, actually so quickly that it brought tears to my eyes when I was reading this part because as reader I know what is waiting for her. After so long a time, after so much hurt and negligence, Rhett’s love wore out and he had decided to leave Scarlet and he meant it.
Rhett was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together and tell himself that them ended whole was just as good as new, and what is broken is broken.

I have to say I cry over and over again at this, at the fact that a love a tough guy just like Rhett has should end on earth!
They say the minute love is spoken out ,expressed and realized, one is doomed to lose it forever for the very paradoxical and contradictory fact that love only exists in human’s imagination.
You think you love someone so much that you can even sacrifice everything only to be together with him but when you really get him, sadly ,you have to face the hard truth that the once passionate and crazy love you hold for him fades during the time-and-effort-consuming chase and pursuit.
It is so sad that it is our human nature that we always give no attention to the things we already have, instead, we spend almost all of our time imagining, desiring ,purchasing something that is far out of our reach. And what is more fortunate is once we get it , we will throw it away just immediately—this is especially true when it comes to love.
Love is something we imagine in our imagination—we make our imaginary lover in our mind and put a pretty clothes on him—and then start to chase after him until we really get him. On this journey we ignore those who really care us and love us and only are so obsessed with our stubborn love that we even forget to stop to see clearly what we are purchasing really is.
Years later, regretfully, it occurs to us that we have deceived ourselves using our own imagination. Maybe, beauty, as a good many persons put,only exists within a certain distance, so does love.

The scene Scarlett run home, her love for Rhett with her and after so many years she suddenly realized that it Rhett that she Scarlett really loved touches a raw nerve and tears roll down from my cheeks.
On that chilly autumn day, strolling along a street carpeted by Ginkgo leaves , stroked and stifled by a sudden desolation ,I began to think about what is love. Parhaps, just as is illustrated in GONE WITH THE WIND, love is only a figment in our imagination, but still, still I cherish a sincere hope that one day I will encounter my soul-mate.