WineBottler Mac激活版下载——Mac运行exe程序
摘 要
WineBottler for Mac可以在Mac上模拟Windows环境,让您能够在Mac上安装Windows软件,主要用于来运行exe程序,双击.exe文件,wine mac就可以帮您直接运行它,十分好用!
WineBottler是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款模拟Windows环境的工具,让你能够在Mac上安装Windows软件,类似于知名的Crossover,但WineBottler是完全免费的,我们可以使用WineBottler在Mac上安装IE浏览器、NotePad++等Windows软件,WineBottler的强大之处是可以让我们方便快速的自定义打包可在Mac上运行的Windows软件,非常实用!
换句话说WineBottler其中单独的前缀被每个应用程序创建的工具。然而,WineBottler‘包装’或‘瓶’在一个应用程序包的单独的前缀。 WineBottler允许创建独立的(即不要求进行安装酒)的应用程序,以及通过包括独立的应用程序包里面的酒包。
WineBottler allows users to bottle Windows applications as Mac apps.
Wine has always been popular among Linux users for running Windows programs, but Wine is available for Mac, too - and now, free utility WineBottler can "bottle" Windows programs into separate application bundles that run as standalone Mac apps.
In other words, WineBottler is a tool similar to codeweavers' Crossover, where separate prefixes are created per app. However, WineBottler 'wraps' or 'bottles' the separate prefixes in an application bundle. WineBottler allows standalone (i.e., not requiring wine to be installed) applications to be created as well, by including the wine bundle inside the standalone application bundle.