


到目前为止,从英国、欧盟 (EU) 和西亚旅行的乘客在登机前需要获得阴性的 RT-PCR 报告,然后在抵达印度时进行强制性的 RT-PCR 测试。

“考虑到新冠病毒突变的风险,我们在英国、欧盟和中东的名单中增加了更多国家,包括南非、孟加拉国、博茨瓦纳、中国、毛里求斯、新西兰和津巴布韦。来自所有这些国家的国际旅客现在需要 RT-PCR 阴性报告才能登上飞往印度的航班,并在抵达印度时进行 RT-PCR 检测,”印度联邦卫生部长拉杰什·布尚在新闻发布会上说。


根据印度卫生部周五的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 45,352 例新增感染、34,791 例康复和 366 例死亡。

在新增病例中,喀拉拉邦昨天增加了 32,097 例新病例,占了大部分新增病例。


该国的病例总数跃升至 3,29,03,289 例,其中包括 3,99,778 例活动病例。活跃病例占总病例的1.22%。

截至目前,包括过去 24 小时内的新康复在内,该国从该病毒中康复的总人数已上升至 3,20,63,616。在此之后,整体康复率目前为 97.45%。

“截至 9 月 2 日的累计测试样本总数为 52,65,35,068 个,其中包括昨天测试的 16,66,334 个样本,”印度医学研究委员会今天通知说。

该国迄今已接种了 6.709 亿剂疫苗。



2021 年东方经济论坛:总理纳伦德拉·莫迪周五表示,印度和俄罗斯之间的友谊经受住了时间的考验,这在新冠病毒大流行期间得到了体现。他还说,新冠病毒突出了卫生和制药部门在两国双边合作中的重要性。

Eastern Economic Forum 2021: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the friendship between India and Russia has stood the test of time and it was seen during Covid pandemic. He also said that Covid had highlighted the importance of health and pharma sectors in both the countries' bilateral cooperation.


印度与美国签署了空中发射无人机(ALUAV)项目协议。根据周五的官方消息,该协议于今年早些时候于 7 月 30 日由印度国防部和美国国防部在国防技术和贸易倡议 (DTTI) 的联合工作组空中系统下签署。

India has signed a project agreement with the United States for air-launched unmanned aerial vehicles (ALUAV). According to an official release on Friday, the agreement was signed on July 30 earlier this year between the ministry of defence and the US department of defence under the joint working group air systems in DTTI.


民航部副总干事(媒体与通讯)兼发言人 Rajeev Jain 证实,航班将从 9 月 3 日起恢复。

India will resume flight services with Bangladesh from today under the bilateral air bubble arrangement from today.
Rajeev Jain, Additional Director General (Media & Communications) and spokesman for the civil aviation ministry confirmed that the flights will resume from September 3.


印度和英国周四在财政部长尼尔马拉·西塔拉曼 (Nirmala Sitharaman) 和英国财政部长里希·苏纳克 (Rishi Sunak) 举行的第 11 次印英经济和财政对话上同意对绿色项目和可再生能源投资 12 亿美元,以推动印度的绿色增长雄心,推动印度实现绿色增长。加强贸易伙伴关系的双边议程。

India and  UK on Thursday agreed on a USD 1.2 billion investment in green projects and renewable energy to boost India’s green growth ambitions at the 11th India-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue between Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and her British counterpart Rishi Sunak, driving forward the bilateral agenda of an Enhanced Trade Partnership.



在提交给交易所的一份正式文件中,该公司表示,将召回2018年5月4日至2020年10月27日期间生产的Ciaz、Ertiga、Vitara Brezza、S-Cross和XL6的181754辆汽油型汽车。

NEW DELHI: India's largest car maker Maruti Suzuki on Friday announced its decision to recall some variants of its cars in order to inspect and rectify possible safety defects.
In an official filing to the bourses, the company said that it will be recalling 1,81,754 units of the petrol variants of its models Ciaz, Ertiga, Vitara Brezza, S-Cross and XL6 that were manufactured between May 4, 2018 and October 27, 2020.





NEW DELHI: A section of cash-strapped SpiceJet’s ground staffers at Delhi Airport went on a strike on Friday over non-payment of salaries.
A SpiceJet spokesman confirmed “issues” with the employees who went on strike on Friday at IGI Airport.
“A section of employees working at the Delhi airport and having some issues have met with senior officials… (same) has been resolved and the employees have returned back to work. SpiceJet’s flight operations remain normal,” he claimed.


新德里:印度信实实业公司2030年创建或将使能力产生至少100兆瓦特的电力来自可再生能源,可以转化为无碳绿色氢,其董事长穆凯什·安巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)周五表示,他概述了1-1-1愿景在 10 年内将氢的成本降低到每 1 公斤 1 美元以下。


NEW DELHI: Reliance Industries will by 2030 create or enable capacity to generate at least 100 gigawatts of electricity from renewable sources,
which can be converted into carbon-free green hydrogen, its chairman Mukesh Ambani said on Friday as he outlined a 1-1-1 vision to bring down the cost of hydrogen to under $1 per 1 kg in 1 decade.
The focus on generating electricity from renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind -will help cut carbon emissions in the world's third-largest greenhouse gas emitter.



去年,印度每月新增 3 家独角兽企业,总数达到 51 家,领先于英国(32 家)和德国(18 家)。一家价值超过 10 亿美元的私有创业公司被称为独角兽。

胡润研究院的数据显示,美国以 396 家独角兽公司位居榜首,而中国以 277 家排名第二。印度的独角兽目前价值 1680 亿美元。

NEW DELHI: India has emerged as the third largest startup ecosystem in the world after the US and China and the pace of growth is not showing any signs of slowing down.
Over the last year, India has added three unicorns every month taking the total count to 51, ahead of the UK (32) and Germany (18). A privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion is called a unicorn.
The US tops the list with 396 unicorns, while China is at the second spot with 277, showed data from Hurun Research Institute. India’s unicorns are currently worth $168 billion.




在4至8月期间,出口估计为1 637亿元,这意味着在今年余下的7个月里,每月发货量需约为337亿元。

NEW DELHI: India’s exports grew to $33.1 billion in August, 45% higher than last year, but a faster pace of increase in imports resulted in trade deficit widening to $13.9 billion, the highest since April.
Although exports are nearly $2 billion lower than July, when it hit a monthly record of $35.4 billion, August’s level is line with the asking rate required to touch the target of $400 billion for the current financial year.
During April-August, exports were estimated at $163.7 billion, which means that the value of monthly shipments needs to be of the order of $33.7 billion during the remaining seven months of the year.


vivo 在上周在中国深圳举行的新闻发布会上推出了其新的专有成像芯片 V1。该公司解释说,V1芯片是专用于成像和视频应用的“全定制集成电路”。据称,成像芯片V1通过“优化取景器外观和视频录制等智能手机应用场景”,更好地满足用户需求。

该成像芯片已经由 vivo 300 多名研发人员和成像实验室专家开发了 24 个月。该公告是在 9 月 9 日推出 vivo X70 系列之前发布的。

Vivo unveiled its new proprietary Imaging Chip V1 at a press event held last week in Shenzhen, China.
The company explained that the V1 chip is a “fully-customised integrated circuit" dedicated for imaging and video applications. The Imaging Chip V1 is said to better serve user needs by “optimising smartphone application scenarios such as viewfinder look and video recording."
The imaging chip has been under development for 24 months by over 300 R&D personnel and imaging lab experts at Vivo. The announcement comes ahead of the launch of the Vivo X70 series on September 9.




