编者按:最近,公号推出的有关小麦蜡质与衰老的推文,育种家有话说| 蜡质与早衰有关联,反响热烈。各位同行对此产生浓厚的兴趣,因此,特邀河南师范大学朱墨博士,撰写有关小麦蜡质方面的研究进展。近期会推出系列文章,欢迎各位前辈、同仁踊跃讨论交流!今天推送有关寄主表皮与白粉菌侵染之间的关系,该文发表在《New Phytologist》期刊上。以下为作者解读内容,敬请赏析!
Braun U, Cook R T A, Inman A J, et al. The taxonomy of the powdery mildew fungi[J]. The powdery mildews: a comprehensive treatise, 2002: 13-55.
Both, M., Csukai, M., Stumpf, M.P., Spanu, P.D., 2005. Gene expression profiles of Blumeria graminis indicate dynamic changes to primary metabolism during development of an obligate biotrophic pathogen. Plant Cell 17, 2107-2122.
Carver, T., Ingerson, S., 1987. Responses of Erysiphe graminis germlings to contact with artificial and host surfaces. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 30, 359-372.
Carver, T.L.W., Bushnell, W.R., 1983. The Probable Role of Primary Germ Tubes in Water-Uptake before Infection by Erysiphe-Graminis. Physiol Plant Pathol 23, 229-240.
Edwards, H., 2002. Development of primary germ tubes by conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei on leaf epidermal cells of Hordeum vulgare. Canadian Journal of Botany 80, 1121-1125.
Nielsen, K.A., Nicholson, R.L., Carver, T.L.W., Kunoh, H., Oliver, R.P., 2000. First touch: An immediate response to surface recognition in conidia of Blumeria graminis. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 56, 63-70.
Pryce, E., Carver, T., GURR, S.J., 1999. The roles of cellulase enzymes and mechanical force in host penetration by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 55, 175-182.
Spanu, P.D., 2012. The genomics of obligate (and nonobligate) biotrophs. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 50, 91-109.
Sutton, P., Henry, M., Hall, J., 1999. Glucose, and not sucrose, is transported from wheat to wheat powdery mildew. Planta 208, 426-430.
Yamaoka, N., Matsumoto, I., Nishiguchi, M., 2006. The role of primary germ tubes (PGT) in the life cycle of Blumeria graminis: the stopping of PGT elongation is necessary for the triggering of appressorial germ tube (AGT) emergence. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 69, 153-159.
Yamaoka, N., Ohta, T., Danno, N., Taniguchi, S., Matsumoto, I., Nishiguchi, M., 2007. The role of primary germ tubes in the life cycle of Blumeria graminis: The primary germ tube is responsible for the suppression of resistance induction of a host plant cell. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 71, 184-191.
Zhang, Henderson, C., Perfect, E., Carver, T., Thomas, B., Skamnioti, P., Gurr, S., 2005. Of genes and genomes, needles and haystacks: Blumeria graminis and functionality. Mol. Plant Pathol. 6, 561-575.