










Emotions and theValue of Life

How do you stay trueto yourself?

Justas rivers employ the force of churning stones and gravel to chisel out canyons in rocky terrain, the innate drive to create value uses emotional energyto carve out the landscapes ofour lives.

Mostemotions occur in streams that carry valuemeanings, with built-in motivations to behave according to one's deepervalues. By adulthood, the value meaning of emotions carries a constant warning: Createvalue and remain true to it, or you won't know who you are and won't accept theperson you've become.

Ona conscious level, the weaker streams of emotion mark less important levels of value: We want vacations to go well and getdisappointed if they don't. The stronger ones, with the most forcefulmotivations, normally go to the very deepest values: We're impassioned aboutprotecting children and devastated by loss of a loved one.

Mostof our emotional streams never reach consciousness, due to the remarkablyefficient function of the human brain. Thanks to the value meaning of emotions,we keep more or less aligned with ourdeepest values, without having to stop and think about them. We may foolishlyinsist that our children think through the consequences of their behavior (theylack sufficient development in the prefrontalcortex to do soreliably), but the fact is we hardly ever do that ourselves. (If we thoughtthrough the consequences of our behavior, our days would consist of little morethan getting out of bed, taking a shower, eating breakfast, brushing teeth,getting dressed, and driving to work - by then it would be time go home andback to bed.) Most of what we do on automatic pilot, without thinking about itat all, much less thinking through the consequences of each behavior. To keepthe vast majority of our behaviors within the boundaries of personal values, werely on an automatic, low-grade discomfort, stimulated by the mereimpulse to violate a deeper value.

Forexample, if you are hungry, you will feel slightly uncomfortable looking at acandy bar in the grocery storecheckout line. That vague, uncomfortable feeling inhibits a primitive,toddler-like urge to take the candy. For the most part, only those people whosepersonal values do not preclude stealing candy will ever have a consciousthought about taking it. Most of us do not have to consciously think of takingthe candy or think of what would happen if we did because the value meaning ofour emotions inhibits the impulse. The most we may feel while looking at thecandy is a vague discomfort. Developing this kind of value-inhibition inchildren is what we mean by teaching them right from wrong. Emphasizing fear ofconsequences merely teaches them to avoid punishment.

Weexperience scores of similarvalue inhibitions every day; indeed, we couldn't function without them. Thedanger lies in blaming these important internal signals - vague discomfort andthe like - on "stress"or circumstances or other people. Then they lose the capacity to guidebeneficial behavior and become, instead, something to numb, avoid, or avenge. When we try to numb, avoid, or avenge the negative emotions enforcing our deepest values, we lose touch with who we are. When thathappens, you look in the mirror and see someone else's face. Ignoring the value meaning of emotions leads to resentment, depression,or anxiety asit alienates you from your deepestvalues. Eventually you live in the shadows of yourself.

To stay in the sunlight, be grateful forthe vague discomforts of life. If you examine their value meaning and do notblame them on anyone, they will enable growth and keep you true to who you are.



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