
J. Assist. Reprod. Genet.
Pub Date  : 2020-02-26
DOI : 10.1007/s10815-020-01711-y

Keren Rotshenker-Olshinka,Michael H Dahan

最近,我们目睹了基因测试性质的转变。曾经完全掌握在科学界手中的东西现在对任何人都可以轻松访问。诸如Veritas Genetics,Ancestry和23andMe之类的商业公司提供廉价的直接面向消费者的家庭DNA试剂盒,这些试剂盒被标记为“健康与祖先服务”。这些测试越来越受欢迎,据估计,自从销售以来,全世界有超过3000万人提供了他们的DNA样本。这个新的遗传时代的含义是多种多样的,从个人的个人健康评估到家庭谱系和祖先,以及建立庞大的基于人群的遗传数据库的复杂性。商业DNA测试对生育患者和健康护理提供者的独特影响,例如配子捐赠,
Fertility care in the era of commercial direct-to-consumer home DNA kits: issues to ponder.
Recently, we have witnessed a shift in the nature of genetic testing. What was once solely in the hands of the scientific community is now easily accessible to anyone. Commercial companies such as Veritas Genetics, Ancestry, and 23andMe offer cheap direct-to-consumer home DNA kits that are branded as a 'health and ancestry service.' These tests are gaining in popularity, and it is estimated that since their marketing, over 30 million people worldwide have provided their DNA samples. The implications of this new genetic era are diverse, ranging from the individuals personal health assessment, to family genealogy and ancestry, and the complexity of establishing an enormous population-based genetic database. Unique implications of commercial DNA tests on fertility patients and heath care providers, such as in the case of gamete donation, are important to acknowledge and have implications for reproductive care.


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