Astronomy Picture of the Day——心宿增四星云的广角影像

Rho Ophiuchi Wide Field
Image Credit & Copyright: Mario Cogo(Galax Lux)
Explanation: The colorful cloudssurrounding the star system Rho Ophiuchi compose one of the closest starforming regions. Rho Ophiuchi itself is a binary star system visible in theblue reflection nebula just to the left of the image center. The star system,located only 400 light years away, is distinguished by its multi-colored surroundings,which include a red emission nebula and numerous light and dark brown dustlanes. Near the lower left of the Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud system is theyellow star Antares, while a distant but coincidently-superposed globularcluster of stars, M4, is visible just to the right of Antares. Near the imagetop lies IC 4592, the Blue Horsehead nebula. The blue glow that surrounds theBlue Horsehead's eye -- and other stars around the image -- is a reflectionnebula composed of fine dust. On the featured image right is a geometricallyangled reflection nebula cataloged as Sharpless 1. Here, the bright star nearthe dust vortex creates the light of surrounding reflection nebula. Althoughmost of these features are visible through a small telescope pointed toward theconstellations of Ophiuchus, Scorpius, and Sagittarius, the only way to see theintricate details of the dust swirls, as featured above, is to use a longexposure camera.
环绕恒星系统心宿增四的彩色星云是距离地球最近的恒星形成区之一。心宿增四是一个双星系统,在图像中央左侧的蓝色反射星云内能够发现它。这个恒星系统距地球仅400光年,以其多彩环绕带而闻名,这包括红色的发射星云和许多明暗不定的尘埃带。在心宿增四分子云系统的左下方附近能看到黄色的心宿二,遥远但恰巧同向的球状星团M4则位于心宿二的右侧。位于影像顶部的是蓝色马头星云IC 4592。环绕蓝色马头眼睛和图像周围其他恒星的蓝光来自由细小尘埃构成的反射星云。位于这幅特征图像右侧的就是编号为Sharpless 1的反射星云。在这里,尘埃涡流附近的明亮恒星使周围的反射星云呈现蓝色。只使用了一台小型望远镜朝向蛇夫座、天蝎座和人马座方向,就能够看到大部分的特征,但如果想要看到如图所示的尘埃漩涡复杂细节,唯一的方法就是使用一台长曝光相机。
Astronomy Picture of the Day——沙普利斯249与水母星云