Engraving is a kind of painting art using “wood block” as the medium. Artists use knife, pen, or other tools to draw, carve, and corrode metal, slabstone, wood block, paper board, hemp plywood, plastic board, and tulle, and print the patterns to create art works known as engraving.


北大荒版画起源于八五三农场。1958 年, 以晁楣为代表的第一代北大荒版画创作群体在黑龙江省雁窝岛以独特的体裁、独特的技法和独特的风格形成了北大荒版画学派。北大荒版画改变了我国木刻以黑白为主的艺术技法,开创了我国版画现代创作流派的新格局。
Beidahuang engraving originated in 853 Farm. In Yanwo Island in 1958, the first creation group of Beidahuang engraving , represented by Chao Mei, formed the Beidahuang engraving school featuring unique genre, techniques, and style. idahuang engraving has since transformed the artistic techniques of Chinese wood carving dominated by black and white, and ushered in a whole new pattern of modern creation genre in the landscape of Chinese wood carving.


The first generation of creators painted realistically the hardship in eveloping Beidahuang and the magnificence of wilderness; the second generation depicted the youthful passion and poetic years; the third generation carved out the wonderful life and picturesque landscape.

Over the more than half century, their persistence and dedication has earned fame for Yanwo Island engraving home and abroad, reaping a number of important awards in fine art circle. Hundreds of Yanwo Island Wood Block works and scores of Printartists have brought Beidahuang engraving and Yanwo Island to audience across the country and beyond.