BGM: One Day-Matisyahu(文末有视频彩蛋哦)1月28日,一年一度的“春运”正式拉开帷幕。往年的这个时候,大家都是一脸热切地互相询问:“抢到票了没?”然而,今年的异乡人,却变成了犹犹豫豫互相打探:“你过年回家吗?”嗨,怎一个“惨”字了得……· 春运 Spring Festival travel rushrush /rʌʃ/ n. 猛冲;忙碌① Chunyun, also known as Spring Festival Travel Rush, is the largest human migration on earth happening annually.中国的春运,是一年一度地球上最大的人口迁徙。② This year's Chunyun begins on January 28 and will last until March 8.今年的春运从1月28日持续到3月8日(一般是节前15天,节后25天,共40天)· 抢票 snap up a ticketsnap /snæp/ v. “啪”地打开或关上snap sth. up 抢购Who can help me snap up a train tickethome for the Spring Festival?谁能帮我抢一张过年回家的火车票?
In a normal year, China sees around three billion trips during the Chunyun period.在正常年份,春运期间中国会见证约30亿人次的出行。然而,去年的春节因为疫情……就不必多说了。今年,本来大家都盼望着盼望着,想在牛年到来之际,回家好好弥补一下去年的遗憾。结果,就在春节脚步临近的时候,各地疫情却开始出现新一轮反复。于是,各地政府相继出台政策,鼓励大家“非必要不外出”、“就地过年”。· 非必要不外出 avoid non-essential travelessential /ɪˈsenʃl/ a. 必不可少的Many cities call on people to avoid non-essential travel.很多城市呼吁人们非必要不外出。· 就地过年 stay put during the Spring Festivalstay put 待在原地Just stay put with the suitcases, while I go and find a cab.我去打个车,你拉着行李箱待这儿别动。Chinese cities encourage people to stay put during the Spring Festival due to COVID-19 risks.由于新冠疫情的风险,中国很多城市鼓励人们“就地过年”。
政策一出,哀嚎一片。For many migrant workers, the Lunar New Year is the only time they will see their families all year and is an event not to be missed.对很多异地打工人来说,春节是他们一年当中唯一能见到家人的机会,也是一件不容错过的大事。· migrant /ˈmaɪɡrənt/ n. (为工作)移居者migrant workers 流动打工人· lunar /ˈluːnər/ n. 月球的lunar calendar 阴历solar calendar 阳历the Lunar New Year 春节人们就琢磨了,鼓励“就地”,不就是“不就地”也行吗?于是纷纷行动起来,开始热火朝天地查查查。先查清自己目前所在地的风险等级,再查清目的地的风险等级,再通过各个渠道反复确认——· 核酸检测阴性证明 a negative Covid-19 testPeople returning to rural areas will need to produce a negative Covid-19 test issued up to seven days before their departure.回农村的人需要在出发前拿到7天以内的核酸检测阴性证明。· 居家隔离 home quarantine /ˈkwɔːrəntiːn/They'll also have to carry out a 14-day home quarantine.他们还需要进行14天的居家隔离。· 返程 the return journeyThe return journey will also be a difficult one.返程也将很麻烦。大家纷纷感叹:还不够折腾的。干脆,不回了。唉,这可真应了那句歌词:“回不去的名字叫家乡”。
总而言之——Measures will be taken to guarantee people a safe, healthy and happy Spring Festival.要采取各种措施,保证人们过一个安全、健康、快乐的春节。与此同时,网友们也纷纷开启自嗨模式,在微博上搞起了“就地过年氛围组”。