说词解字:缩词截字 —— 超实用的clippings缩略词(网上最全)



1. 第一种叫acronym,如UNESCO(联合国教科文组织),AIDS(艾滋病),POTUS(美国总统),FLOTUS(美国第一夫人)等,这些词的特点是可以当作一个单词来读。

2. 第二种叫initialism,如:WTO(世贸组织),VIP(重要人士),BBC(英国广播公司)等,这些词的特点是无法像acronym那样当成一个单词来念,而是将字母一个个读出。



因为这类词生活中频繁使用,但是单词太长,使用起来麻烦,于是,就将它们“截短”,如大家熟悉的TV(=television)(电视), phone(=telephone)(电话),ad(=advertisement)(广告),plane(=aeroplane )(飞机),photo(=photograph)(照片),



1. flu = influenza :流感
2. memo = memorandum :备忘录
3. mike = microphone :麦克风
4. coke = Coca Cola :可乐
5. exam = examination :考试
6. bike = bicycle :自行车
7. gym = gymnasium :体育馆
8. info = information :信息
9. prez = president :总统,总裁
10. vocab = vocabulary :词汇
11. taxi = taxicab :出租车
12. vac = vacation :假期
13. pro = professional :专业人士 / 版
14. pop = popular :流行的
15. med = medical :医学 / 疗的
16. lib = liberation :解放
17. deli = delicatessen :熟食店
18. veggie = vegetarian :素食者
19. comfy = comfortable :舒适的
20. meg = megabyte :兆
21. cello = violoncello :大提琴
22. mum = chrysanthemum :菊花
23. expat = expatriate :侨民,旅居国外者
24. perk = perquisite :津贴
25. promo = promoting :促销
26. vet = veterinarian :宠物医生
27. abs = abdominal muscles :腹肌
28. rhino = rhinoceros :犀牛
29. hippo = hippopotamus :河马
30. perv = pervert :变态
31. prep = preparatory :预备的,预科的
32. dorm = dormitory :宿舍
33. sec = second :秒钟
34. auto = automobile :汽车
35. van = caravan :厢式车
36. pram = perambulator :婴儿车
37. specs = spectacles :护目镜
38. ref = referee :裁判
39. sub = substitute :替补
40. bus = omnibus :公共汽车
41. mod = modern :时髦的
42. divi = divident :红利
43. nat = nationalist :民族主义者
44. fan = fanatic :狂热粉丝
45. tec = detective :侦探
46. co-ed = co-educational :男女同校的
47. disco = discotheque :迪斯科
48. hifi = high fidelity :高保真(音响)
49. wifi = wireless fidelity :无线网络
50. Congrats! = Congratulations! : 祝贺你!


还记得十几年前火遍全美及全球的青春电影 High School Musical (歌舞青春)吗  ?
Living in my own world (生活在自己的世界里)
Didn't understand (我不明白)
That anything can happen (任何的事情都可能发生)
When you take a chance (只要你肯去冒险)

I never believed in(我从不相信)
What I couldn't see(我所看不到的)
I never opened my heart (Oh~)(我从不敞开心门)
To all the possiblities Ooh (迎接任何的可能性)

I know that something has changed (我知道事情有了变化)
Never felt this way (从来没有这样的感觉)
And right here tonight (就在今晚)

This could be the start of something new (这是全新的旅程)
It feels so right (感觉如此美好)
To be here with you Ooh (和你一起)
And now I'm lookin' in your eyes (现在我看到你的眼里)
I feel in my heart (Feel in my heart) (我从心底感觉到)
The start of something new (全新的旅程已经开始了)

Oh, yeah~

Now who'd have ever thought that (谁又曾预料到)
We'd both be here tonight (今晚我们会在此相遇)
Ooh, Yeah
And the world looks so much brighter (Brighter, brighter)(世界看起来更加明亮)
Oh, with you by my side (By my side) (有你在我的身边)
I know that something has changed, never felt this way 我知道事情有了变化,从来没有如此感受)
I know for real (Real) (我十分肯定)
This could be the start of something new (这是全新的旅程)
It feels so right to be here with you (和你一起感觉是那么美好)
And now lookin' in your eyes (而现在,看着你的眼睛)
I feel in my heart (我从心底感觉到)
The start of something new (全新的旅程已经开始了)

I never knew that it could happen till it happened to me (直到美梦成真,我才确定它的存在)
Oh, yeah
I didn't know it before but now it's easy to see Oh! (以前我不知道但是现在却显而易见)

It's the start of something new (这是全新的旅程)
It feels so right to be here with you oh~ (和你一起感觉是那么美好)
And now I'm lookin' in your eyes (而现在,看着你的眼睛)
I feel in my heart (我从心底感觉到)
That it's the start of something new (全新的旅程已经开始了)
It feels so right to be here with you oh~ (和你一起感觉是那么美好)
And now looking in your eyes (而现在,看着你的眼睛)
I feel in my heart (Feel in my heart)(我从心底感觉到)
The start of something new(全新的旅程已经开始了)
The start of something new(全新的旅程已经开始了)
The start of something new (全新的旅程已经开始了)

