电影《长津湖》观感文/梁双新王牌对垒长津湖,敌我家当显迥殊。犯敌滥开屠肉器,义师血海荡悬途。悬途:高峻坎坷的路。Impressions of the Film the Battle at Changjin LakeBy Liang ShuangxinThe ace to ace troops fought at Changjin lake,The differences between the two troops are obviously big.As the invaders indiscriminately slaughtered,Our just army smoothed the hanging road in the sea of blood.Hanging Road: high steep bumpy road.乡思寄寒露文/梁双新月冷花黄凝露晖,秋残若血送鸿归。乡思暗涌淋游子,望断愁云泪作飞。Nostalgia Sent on Cold DewBy Liang ShuangxinThe moon cold, the flowers yellow, the dews are bright,And sending back the swan geese,the late autumn is like blood.Homesickness is surging secretly, making the wanderers drenched,Who is flying tears, looking at the sad cloud.重阳寄怀文/梁双新云空阵雁泪飞还,吾复登高望旧山。客寄江南无大事,家乡故友念心间。旧山:喻家乡。客寄:寄居他乡。Consigning My Emotions to the Double Ninth FestivalBy Liang ShuangxinThe wild geese in the cloudy sky with tears are flying back,The old mountain, I'm climbing high and looking far away at.In the south of the Yangtze River with nothing great,I always keep my old friends in my heart.Jiushan: compared to hometown.Keji: live in a place far away from home.