【新刊速递】 第15期 | International Organization, No.4, 2019


International Organization

(《国际组织》),简称“IO”,是一份经过同行评议的季刊,涵盖国际事务的领域包括:外交政策、国际关系、国际与比较政治经济学、安全政策、环境争端与解决、欧洲一体化、联盟模式与战争、谈判与冲突解决、经济发展与调整、国际资本流动等。它成立于1947年,由剑桥大学出版社代表国际组织基金会出版,主编是乔治城大学的Erik Voeten。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2018年IO杂志影响因子为4.508,在91个国际关系类期刊中排名第一(1/9),在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第一(1/176)


【编译】胡贺 李雯珲 周心培 缪高意 邢戎

【校对】李雯珲 兰星辰 虞敷扬 胡贺 朱文菡


1. 战争、国际金融与财政能力的长期分析

War, International Finance, and Fiscal Capacity in the Long Run

2. 政治制度对贸易的广延和集约边际的影响

The Effects of Political Institutions on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade

3. 内源性议会:欧洲长期经济增长和行政约束的国内和国际根源

Endogenous Parliaments: The Domestic and International Roots of Long-Term Economic Growth and Executive Constraints in Europe

4. 国际投资法与外国直接投资

International Investment Law and Foreign Direct Reinvestment

5. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳?投资争端、国家主权与条约设计的改变

Once Bitten, Twice Shy? Investment Disputes, State Sovereignty, and Change in Treaty Design

6. 谁来解决争端?跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴协定的条约设计和贸易态度  Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

7. 内战中的平民伤亡、人道主义援助与暴力起义

Civilian Casualties, Humanitarian Aid, and Insurgent Violence in Civil Wars




【题目】War, International Finance, and Fiscal Capacity in the Long Run

【作者】Didac Queralt (耶鲁大学)


In this article I revisit the relationship between war and state making in modern times by focusing on two prominent types of war finance: taxes and foreign loans. Financing war with tax money enhances the capacity to assess wealth and monitor compliance, namely fiscal capacity. Tax-financed war facilitates the adoption of power-sharing institutions, which transform taxation into a non-zero-sum game, carrying on the effect of war in the long run. Financing war with external capital does not contribute to long-term fiscal capacity if borrowers interrupt debt service and, as part of the default settlement, war debt is condoned or exchanged for non tax revenue. The empirical evidence draws from war around the world as early as 1816. Results suggest that globalization of capital markets in the nineteenth century undermined the association between war, state making, and political reform.





【题目】The Effects of Political Institutions on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade

【作者】In Song Kim(麻省理工学院政治学系副教授),JohnLondregan(普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊学院政治学与国际事务教授),Marc Ratkovic(普林斯顿大学政治学系副教授)

We present a model of political networks that integrates both the choice of trade partners (the extensive margin) and trade volumes (the intensive margin). Our model predicts that regimes secure in their survival, including democracies as well as some consolidated authoritarian regimes, will trade more on the extensive margin than vulnerable autocracies, which will block trade in products that would expand interpersonal contact among their citizens. We then apply a two-stage Bayesian LASSO estimator to detailed measures of institutional features and highly disaggregated product-level trade data encompassing 131 countries over a half century. Consistent with our model, we find that (a) political institutions matter for the extensive margin of trade but not for the intensive margin and (b) the effects of political institutions on the extensive margin of trade vary across products, falling most heavily on goods whose marketing involves extensive interpersonal contact.





【题目】Endogenous Parliaments: The Domestic and International Roots of Long-Term Economic Growth and Executive Constraints in Europe

【作者】Scott F Abramson(罗切斯特大学政治学系副教授),Carles Boix(普林斯顿大学政治与公共事务教授)

Institutional constraints on executive behavior are commonly understood to be crucial constitutional features that limit state expropriation, protect property rights, and promote economic development. Combining new data describing the presence of parliamentary constraints for the entire European continent with data on city sizes, we build upon theories of endogenous economic growth to demonstrate that paths of both economic and political development over the long span of European history from 1200 to 1900 are the consequence of a common process of urban agglomeration. In doing so, we provide evidence that both outcomes—the existence of constraining institutions and growth—are driven by initial conditions that fostered technical knowhow embodied in urban-dwelling artisans who, in turn, were able to force institutional limits on rulers’ actions. Hence, instead of reflecting a true underlying cause of development, parliamentary constraints are themselves outcomes determined by an endogenous process of growth.





【题目】International Investment Law and Foreign Direct Reinvestment

【作者】Rachel L Wellhausen, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校助理教授

One goal of the law is to provide a means to return disputing parties to cooperation. The prevailing expectation is that international investment law largely does not do this; rather, an aggrieved foreign investor sues the host state as a last resort and divests. I use a new database of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) arbitrations and firm-level bilateral investment to show that, in fact, claimant investors reinvest in the host state at least 31 percent of the time (between 1990 and 2015). Among investors who file for arbitration, and controlling for sector, important correlates of reinvestment include the claimant's legal strategy; the extent of the claimant's grievance and success; and the incidence of post-arbitration litigation. Despite unique aspects of its institutional design, the de facto international investment regime can help solve host state time-inconsistency problems consistent with standard expectations of law. Whether the probability of reinvestment is high enough to reinforce host state commitments to this controversial regime is an open question.





【题目】Once Bitten, Twice Shy? Investment Disputes, State Sovereignty, and Change in Treaty Design

【作者】Alexander Thompson,俄亥俄州立大学助理教授; Tomer Broude,希伯来大学助理教授; Yoram Z Haftel,希伯来大学助理教授

More than 3,000 international investment agreements (IIAs) provide foreign investors with substantive protections in host states and access to binding investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). In recent years, states increasingly have sought to change their treaty commitments through the practices of renegotiation and termination, so far affecting about 300 IIAs. The received wisdom is that this development reflects a “backlash” against the regime and an attempt by governments to reclaim sovereignty, consistent with broader antiglobalization trends. Using new data on the degree to which IIA provisions restrict state regulatory space (SRS), we provide the first systematic investigation into the effect of ISDS experiences on state decisions to adjust their treaties. The empirical analysis indicates that exposure to investment claims leads either to the renegotiation of IIAs in the direction of greater SRS or to their termination. This effect varies, however, with the nature of involvement in ISDS and with respect to different treaty provisions.






Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)


Hyeonho Hahm


Thomas König


Moritz Osnabrügge


Elena Frech



What type of trade agreement is the public willing to accept? Instead of focusing on individual concerns about market access and trade barriers, we argue that specific treaty design and, in particular, the characteristics of the dispute settlement mechanism, play a critical role in shaping public support fortrade agreements. To examine this theoretical expectation, we conduct a conjoint experiment that varies diverse treaty-design elements and estimate preferences over multiple dimensions of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) based on a nationally representative sample in Germany. We find that compared to other alternatives, private arbitration, known as investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), generates strong opposition to the trade agreement. As the single most important factor, this effect of dispute settlement characteristic is strikingly large and consistent across individuals’ key attributes, including skill levels, information, and national sentiment, among others.






Civilian Casualties, Humanitarian Aid, and Insurgent Violence in Civil Wars


Jason Lyall


【摘要】对平民的无差别暴力长期被视为内战中新一轮暴力的催化剂。那么人道主义援助能否在平民伤亡事件发生后减少暴力行为?答案并不乐观,跨国研究显示人道主义援助和内战暴力、致死率和持续时间的增长之间存在关联。但迄今为止,对战时援助与战后暴力的次国家层面研究甚是缺乏。为检验这一关系,本文借鉴了美国国际开发署资助的阿富汗平民援助计划(ACAP II)的相关数据,该计划调查了2011至2013年间1061起平民伤亡事件,其中约有一半(55.8%)的伤亡事件受到了随机的援助。这有助于进行反事实评估,以研究援助是如何影响塔利班武装对国际安全援助部队、阿富汗部队和平民进行的攻击。本文的发现挑战了既有研究:在援助之后的两年时间里,塔利班武装对国际安全援助部队的攻击平均减少23%,但针对阿富汗部队或平民的暴力行为没有减少。
Indiscriminate violence against civilians has long been viewed as a catalyst for new rounds of violence in civil wars. Can humanitarian assistance reduce violence after civilians have been harmed? Crossnational studies are pessimistic, drawing a connection between humanitarian aid and increased civil war violence, lethality, and duration. To date, however, we have few subnational studies of wartime aid and subsequent violence. To examine this relationship, I draw on the Afghan Civilian Assistance Program (ACAP II), a USAID-funded initiative that investigated 1,061 civilian casualty incidents (2011–13). Aid was assigned as if randomly to about half (55.8%) of these incidents, facilitating counterfactual estimation of how assistance affected Taliban attacks against the International Security Assistance Force, Afghan forces, and civilians. Challenging prior studies, I find that ACAP was associated with an average 23 percent reduction in attacks against ISAF, but not Afghan forces or civilians, at the village level for up to two years after the initial incident.




