Daily Inspiration④①⑧

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


In this life, I wish this light words, with a trace of joy, to write down for you every future spring, autumn, winter, summer cool. No matter where you are, you are the tenderest concern in my heart. Without commitment and dialogue, you will blossom or not in my life.


When you fall in love with someone from the bottom of your heart, even if you lose anything, even if you sacrifice everything, if you can live with your loved ones somewhere forever and feel that you are in love with each other, I can guarantee that I immediately feel no regret in life.


If one day my lover leaves me, I only answer two words: OK. Never ask why you gave up the girl you gambled with me on youth. I don't want to listen to a big excuse for a long-term plan. Every necessity of leaving does not belong to me. Good luck. From then on, the clouds were light and the wind was light. The past has been cancelled. Life is short, I don't remember.


Effort is a habit, not a three-minute fever. Every harvest you envy is hard won. Believe that life will not hurt you, you suffer hardships, you suffer hardships, you fall into the pit, you go the wrong way, will practice unique mature strong thank you.


I finally passed the time when I saw people like you, missed you for anything, and listened to the songs of your days. Fortunately, I finally can't ask the date of my return trip. I don't contact you. I don't miss you anymore. I don't wait for you anymore.


Dear, if one day I will become unattractive, please remember, nobody ever cares about me. If one day, I no longer care about you, please remember, you have never heard of my heart. If one day I stop laughing at you, remember, you never asked me how happy I was.


Next life, I hope we can continue, not like this life, let me miss you painfully, I hope in the next life, we can turn love into sincere company! Life is living with the right people in a comfortable way.


Don't try to change anyone, because no one can change anyone, only he is willing to change for you. Because we still have a long way to go, we should not hesitate to look forward. Patience with family is a symbol of love, patience with others is a symbol of respect, and patience with oneself is a symbol of confidence.


Friendship is indispensable to all of us. In the process of growing up, we can walk with each other. When we meet a fork or a cliff, we can draw out one hand and spend a good youth together.


The wind passed through the window, brushing a strand of hair with a sense of coolness. In my eyes, your vague shadow is sometimes like poetry, flexible and elegant, gentle; your beautiful smile is sometimes picturesque, light ink, eye-nourishing; your simple greetings are sometimes like tea, refreshing and pleasant; your sweet voice is sometimes like song, melodious, straight into the heart.


If you don't cherish it, I don't love it either. If the result is not what I want, I would rather not participate in the process. A kind-hearted person always thinks of others, wants others to be comfortable and can provide convenience to others. When one's heart is full of others, people will change others'hearts and others will care about him.


There are times when you feel overwhelmed. Every time you have to concentrate on restarting, only by going through these moments over and over again can you become stronger and better.



  • 很甜很撩人的表白的英文句子


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