TE||The joy of football






The joy of football



For all its faults, the World Cup in Russia is worth celebrating


And The Economist has ideas about how countries should go about winning it


“FOOTBALL is a simple game,” explained Gary Lineker, formerly the captain of England’s team. “Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.” Billions of fans will nonetheless pour their hopes into the World Cup, which begins in Russia on June 14th. Many people will join in even if their countries have not made it to the competition. Bangladeshis follow the World Cup fervently, ignoring killjoy officials who have tried to stop them flying flags. The flags of Argentina and Brazil, that is—Bangladesh’s national team is ranked 197th out of 207 in the world and has never qualified for the World Cup.


The Economist is looking forward to the competition, too. Not because we think the country that hosts our head office has much of a chance of winning it—we are too rational for that. But because, first, improbable athleticism, drama and heroism can elevate the game to the level of art (see article). And, second, because we see in the World Cup the fulfilment of some of our most cherished values.


Admittedly, much about the tournament is distasteful. Its governing body, FIFA, has a woeful history of cronyism and corruption. This year’s competition will be a fillip for Vladimir Putin’s kleptocratic regime. (In March, after Russia tried to murder an exile and his daughter in the city of Salisbury, England briefly considered withdrawing from the World Cup, but then decided to express its disapproval by—horrors!—instructing Princes William and Harry to boycott the tournament.)


Yet the competition itself, as opposed to the murky process of deciding where it is played, showcases progress. Teams really are better than they used to be. It also rewards good government. Autocratic regimes such as China and Russia can ruthlessly drill track-and-field athletes—indeed, the Olympic games sometimes resemble an authoritarian pageant. But dictatorships are rubbish at football, which requires more creativity and flair. The contrast between the former East and West Germany is striking. The East trained massively muscled shot-putters; the West, sublime shot-makers. Only four countries rated “not free” by Freedom House, a charity, have qualified for this year’s World Cup, and none is likely to get far. The last country with an autocratic government to win the tournament was Argentina in 1978. The women’s contest has only ever been won by democracies (America, Germany, Japan and Norway), though China once made it to the final.

然而,相比于确定举办国过程的含糊不清,比赛本身是在进步。球队真的比以前更好。世界杯也奖励好政府。在中国和俄罗斯等专制政权下,田径运动员可以被无情地训练。事实上奥运会有时像一场独裁盛会。但独裁统治在足球这就不吃香,足球需要更多的创造力和天赋。前东德与西德之间的对比是惊人的。东德训练出了肌肉发达的铅球运动员,西德则调教出水平一流的射门干将。只有四个被***(Freedom House)评为“不自由”的国家,已获得资格参加今年的世界杯,而且都是来打酱油的。上一个赢得世界杯的专制国家是阿根廷,那是在1978年。。女足世界杯的胜者都是民主国家(美国,德国,日本和挪威),尽管中国也曾有一次闯入决赛。

注:Freedom House is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) U.S. government-funded non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and advocacy on democracy, political freedom, and human rights.Freedom House was founded in October 1941, and Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt served as its first honorary chairpersons. It describes itself as a "clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world", although critics have stated that the organization is biased towards US interests. The organization was 66% funded by grants from the U.S. government in 2006, a number which has increased to 86% in 2016.The organization's annual Freedom in the World report, which assesses each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties, is frequently cited by political scientists, journalists, and policymakers. Freedom of the Press and Freedom of the Net,which monitor censorship, intimidation and violence against journalists, and public access to information, are among its other signature reports.



International football punishes inward-looking countries and rewards those with more cosmopolitan attitudes. When picking team managers, wise countries pass over their national heroes and appoint managers of any nationality who have proved themselves in western Europe’s tough football leagues. They also call upon their diasporas. African countries can field half-decent teams largely because so many of their players have refined their skills abroad. Rich-country teams also benefit from the talents of immigrants. Fully half of France’s victorious squad in 1998 were of migrant stock.


Why nations fail


Football can also teach countries how to spot and hone human capital. The best performers not only have systems for finding gifted children, but also ways of spotting late developers who failed to make the first cut. Their academies turn out intelligent, creative players rather than dribbling automatons. Then, if they are clever, they drop their best footballers into a competitive market. A simple model of countries’ aptitude for football, which weighs things like wealth and interest in the game, suggests that America ought to be doing better (see article). One possible reason for the failure of its men’s teams is that America’s professional soccer league is a cartel. Salaries are capped, and the lower-division teams in which domestic players might develop cannot be promoted.


注1.Make the cut:To meet or come up to a required standard (from golf where a player must do equal or better than a certain score to continue)

2.cartel is a group of apparently independent producers whose goal is to increase their collective profits by means of price fixing, limiting supply, or other restrictive practices. Cartels typically control selling prices, but some are organized to control the prices of purchased inputs. Antitrust laws attempt to deter or forbid cartels. A single entity that holds a monopoly by this definition cannot be a cartel, though it may be guilty of abusing said monopoly in other ways. Cartels usually occur in oligopolies, where there are a small number of sellers and usually involve homogeneous products. Bid rigging is a special type of cartel.

So liberal internationalists should enjoy the World Cup, despite the Putinophile propaganda that will no doubt disfigure it from time to time. Football, like life, is gloriously unpredictable. For what it is worth, our model suggests that one country is best-placed to dominate the beautiful game; indeed, it has performed slightly worse than it should have done over the years. That country is Germany.



Noun. A person who admires Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia. Views usually include accusing Ukrainians and Americans of being evil homosexual Nazis who want to commit genocide against the pure, heterosexual Russian race, and saying that Crimea is a part of Russia.






Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉





Yao,男, 英专本科生,北大苗子

本文从最近备受瞩目的世界杯讲开,阐释了各国应该如何在世界杯中取得佳绩。这次世界杯可以说在筹备前夕就成了热点,不光比赛扣人心弦,背后的故事也耐人寻味。首先是,国际足联是否成功洗白,公众对此存疑。早在2010年11月29日晚 BBC(英国广播公司)播出了一期名为“国际足联肮脏秘密”的调查节目,指控3位国际足联高官曾接受巨额贿赂,另有一人涉嫌倒卖南非世界杯门票未遂。这3人都手握投票大权。在另一起《万花筒》节目中,一头白发的记者詹宁斯带着观众走进了他调查近10年的主题——国际足联腐败。因为几个月前得到了一份***,詹宁斯的调查有了重大突破。而南美足联主席里奥兹、巴西足协主席特谢拉、国际足联副主席哈亚图都成了詹宁斯指控受贿的对象。一份列出了175项、涉及约一亿美元支出的***显示3名国际足联执行委员会现任成员曾在1989和1999年间收取贿赂却是板上钉钉。这次节目的播出,不仅让英国无缘举办2018年世界杯,更让公众对国际足联的行径嗤之以鼻。


Neil 摘要:俄罗斯世界杯即将开赛,虽有不足,依然值得球迷狂欢。很多国家无缘世界杯,简易模型指出其缘由:他们有些不够富有,有些不够自由,有些不够有趣。



世界杯最开始时为了代表国家的友谊精神而每4年举办1次,但是时间长了,累积了很多历史问题。比如今年英国抵制本次世界杯的原因,就是由于近期英国和俄罗斯之间紧张的双边关系。事件起因是,俄罗斯前双面间谍斯谢尔盖·斯克里帕尔和女儿在英国索尔兹伯里被神经毒剂袭击。英国方面指责这是俄罗斯当局策划的暗杀,决定驱逐 3名俄罗斯的外交官。所以,赛品见国品,大约不是人们不爱足球,只是友谊的小船在风中飘摇。





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