TE||The year of Hurricane Harvey



How to avoid sexual harassment


关于性骚扰的文章“An open secret”


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The year of Hurricane Harvey



The year of Hurricane Harvey



Accusations of harassment have felled some powerful men


But will that lead to a permanent change in behaviour?


FOR those who care about a woman’s right to lead her life unmolested, 2017 began badly. A man accused of groping several women took office in the White House. (Donald Trump dismissed the allegations—as well as a tape of him boasting about his behaviour, which he called mere “locker-room talk”.)







The year is ending somewhat better. In October Harvey Weinstein, a film producer, was accused of having spent decades harassing and assaulting actresses, and using his exalted position in Hollywood to intimidate and silence anyone who got in his way. He was forced out of the firm he co-founded and is being investigated by police. Further accusations against other powerful men followed, spreading beyond Hollywood into politics, journalism and the tech industry. Dozens were sacked or stepped down. Millions of women were inspired to share their own experience of harassment, using the hashtags #MeToo, #YoTambien, #BalanceTonPorc and so on. In a fitting end to a year of comeuppances, Roy Moore, who is accused of harassment and assault by several women, including one who was 14 at the time, became the first Republican to be defeated in a Senate race in Alabama since 1992.

然而2017年末情况稍有改观。十月,电影制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦被指控数十年来骚扰并侵犯众多女演员,并利用其在好莱坞的威望来威胁和压制挡路人。他被迫从他联合创建的公司离职,现正接受警察调查。更多针对权势的调查随之而来,从好莱坞波及政治、新闻以及科技产业领域。数十人被解雇或者被迫离职。数百万女性受到鼓舞,纷纷使用标签#Metoo,#YoTambien(西班牙语:我也是),#BalanceTonPorc(法国的'揭发那头猪'活动)等,分享自己遭受性骚扰的经历。正值这报应连连的一年快要圆满结束的日子里,罗伊摩尔(Roy Moore)被数名女性指控性骚扰,其中包括一名事发时只有14岁的女孩。他也因此成为1992年来首个在阿拉巴马州的参议院选举中败落的共和党人。

#MeToo drew attention to a facet of women’s lives to which men had been comfortably oblivious. It showed how common harassment is, and how harmful to women’s careers. But the lesson from big social changes in the past is that more needs to happen if 2017 is to mark a permanent shift   behaviour. Even now, Hurricane Harvey could blow itself out and women at work once again be assailed by all the old abuses.


Winds of change


If history is a guide, a new social norm takes root when a series of smaller changes prepare the ground (see article). First an event galvanises a group of evangelists to throw light on an injustice that is acknowledged only in the shadows—the extent of domestic abuse, say, or the fact that gay people are accused of threatening public morals when they lead perfectly ordinary lives. Sometimes new attitudes bring about a change in the law, as with the introduction of Prohibition and the reform of civil rights in America. But the new law will stick only so long as large parts of the population embrace it. Prohibition failed because too few Americans agreed that all drinking was debauched. People also need to see that transgressions are punished—either directly by the police, or, more often, by the mass of bystanders who choose to act either as enforcers or enablers. Most countries where female genital mutilation is common have laws against it. They are simply not enforced.


Prepare the ground:

To create or prepare the basics or essential foundation (for something); to pave the way (forsomething).

Cast/shed/throw light on:

To reveal information or details about something; to clarify or help people understand something.

The signs are that the #MeToo movement has reached a delicate stage. The buffeting of the past few months has certainly been cathartic. It has also brought abusers in a bewildering range of industries kicking and screaming into the open. But the novelty of seeing famous men brought down will soon fade. Before that happens, both men and women need to come to a shared understanding of what sexual harassment is and what to do about it. If too many of them conclude that complaints are being exaggerated or exploited, they will not step in to stop backsliders. Minor transgressions will be allowed to carry on. That will make it more likely that rape and sexual assault go unpunished, too.


Start with what counts as harassment. Most people can see the harm in a man trading a promotion for sex, in sexual assault or in crude groping. The divisions start with unwanted propositions, leering, sexualised put-downs and the like, particularly by a man who is in a powerful position. What men try to laugh off as a compliment, or a joke, often feels like humiliation or bullying to women—and may well be intended as such. Accusations can cast a shadow over someone’s reputation, so the lack of clarity over what is appropriate and what is not can be unsettling. Men and women may wonder how they are supposed to know whether a flirtation will be welcomed or will be the prelude to a career-threatening exposure. A lack of due process only adds to the uncertainty.

首先说说哪些行为算性骚扰。例如男上司以升职为条件要求女下属跟其发生性行为,再如性侵犯或者对女性上下其手,凡此种种所带来的危害都被大多数人看在眼里。尤其是位居权势的男性常发生此类事件,他们会先强迫女性接受自己所开出的条件,接着便色迷迷地盯着女方看,还用粗言秽语侮辱对方。 男性一般会对自己说过的话一笑置之,认为自己是在称赞对方,或者只是开开玩笑,而无论其是否有意为之,通常这些话语都被视为对女性的侮辱或欺凌。一经指控,骚扰者的名誉会受损,所以,对错之间的界定如果不能够明确,则将引起人们的不安。无论男女,每个人都有这样的困惑,即如何才能确定自己偶然的调情是为对方所接受的,且不至于遭到危及工作的曝光和指控。该有的判断程序一旦缺失, 界定上的不确定性只会越来越多。

Despite this absence of agreement, the evidence suggests that even less serious harassment causes harm. A study published in May, which followed the careers of a cohort of women in Minnesota, found that 11% had been harassed in some way in a single year. The victims went on to earn less than other women; of those who had been verbally abused repeatedly or physically touched at least once, 79% left the company within two years. That is not only wrong—in the way that all bullying is wrong—but also a waste of valuable talent.


Once there is a consensus about what is wrong and why, the new norms must be enforced. This is unlikely to involve a change in the law. Rape and sexual assault are already illegal; discrimination and bullying at work are subject to employment law. What needs to change is the tacit complicity of managers and staff. HR departments often defend the boss—especially if he is seen as a rainmaker, as Mr Weinstein was. Managers want to keep their star employees, even if they are toxic, because they appear to do so much for the team.


Those may turn out to be false economies—certainly, they were with Mr Weinstein, who brought about the collapse of his firm. When you tot up the costs of all the women who leave, never join or work less well, the harassing star may not be so valuable after all.


A new agenda


To change behaviour, the new standards must be enforced. Women who make complaints should not be brushed off, bullied into dropping them or gagged by settlements with non-disclosure clauses—one idea is that firms should be obliged to tell investors how many such agreements they have made. The entertainment industry, which appears so far to be an arch-offender, needs to reflect hard about whether that is related to the lack of women producers and directors.


Ultimately, however, much of the task will fall to peers. Men need to be alert and to step in where necessary. Women need to stand up for each other. Too many people have been blind to a problem hidden in plain sight. But Hurricane Harvey has raged through 2017 and ignorance is no longer an excuse.






Cyrus,男, 口译民工,经济学人爱好者

Aileen,女,大四数学狗  经济学人粉丝





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