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徐海霞 译,鲜振宇、呙耀宇 审
一位84岁的男性患者主诉便秘和直肠出血6个月。结肠镜和硬式乙状结肠镜检查提示上段直肠后壁肿块(距肛缘13 cm)。组织病理学证实为中分化腺癌。胸腹盆CT和盆腔MRI提示中段直肠癌cT3N0M0,环周切缘阴性。该患者接受了直肠癌特异性的TME直肠前切除术和末端结肠造口术。术中游离直肠后壁时,损伤了曲张而脆弱的骶前静脉,导致严重出血。最初的盆腔填塞无效,骨蜡和血管夹也同样无效。结扎髂内动脉后,附加的填塞止血终于成功,出血停止。患者最终复苏,但总失血量达4.2L。术后没有再次出血,术后第2天取出填塞物。患者术后病情平稳,于初次术后第13天,即取出填塞物后第11天出院。

图1. 骶前静脉丛解剖

控制出血的另一种可行方法是使用金属图钉(Hemorrhage Occluder Pin, Surgin, Inc, Placentia, CA)3。用于止血时,它通常是永久性的,无法取出。图钉对弥漫性出血无效,并且可能会移位,从而导致慢性疼痛、吻合口破裂和吻合口瘘。图钉很锋利;如果放置不当,可能会导致图钉移位并损伤周围内脏。图钉脱落也可能损伤腹腔内器官。另一个局限是,骶骨神经孔或重要结构(如输尿管、大血管)附近的出血点不能应用图钉。van der Vurst等9使用ProTack设备(美敦力)用腔镜螺旋钉将止血海绵固定在骶骨上。该方法对于弥漫性出血也是无效的。
其他可供选择的方法是直接和间接电凝、血管结扎、选择性动脉栓塞和缝扎1。可用单极、双极或喷洒电凝。更好的方法是利用肌肉补片进行间接电凝。Remzi等10描述了一种创新的止血方法–使用腹直肌。取一片4cm×2cm×1cm的腹直肌作为无血管的游离肌瓣,并缝合覆盖在出血区域上。类似地,Harrison等11报告了8例患者通过肌肉片电凝法控制骶前出血。从切口处取下1.5cm×2.0cm的腹直肌,并用止血钳将其固定在出血区域。设置一个较高的能量(超过标准的30 W),通过止血钳传输到肌肉片段,从而焊接出血部位和肌肉。肌肉的优势是柔软,所以可贴合出血部位,从而有效地施加压力。肌肉片电凝法是一种非常有效的止血方法,可用于多个出血部位,并且没有异物残留于病人体内。
双侧髂内动脉结扎可使盆腔血流量下降49%,脉压下降85%。这可影响动脉循环中的静水压,从而促进止血12。结扎后几秒内,血液即逆行进入侧支。首先,打开腹膜,牵拉暴露输尿管12。必须注意不能撕裂髂外静脉。应在主干分出后侧支(如闭孔动脉、臀上动脉,审校者注)后的部位(距髂内动脉起始点后3.5 cm处)结扎髂内动脉。事实上很少发生盆腔缺血12。髂内动脉结扎也可能会导致膀胱和臀部坏死。髂内静脉结扎阻塞了静脉侧支回流,增加了骶前静脉丛的压力,将加剧出血6。

1. Celentano V, Ausobsky JR, Vowden P. Surgical management of presacral bleeding. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2014; 96:261–265
2. Hill AD, Menzies-Gow N, Darzi A. Methods of controlling presacral bleeding. J Am Coll Surg. 1994; 178:183–184
3. Wang QY, Shi WJ, Zhao YR, Zhou WQ, He ZR. New concepts in severe presacral hemorrhage during proctectomy. Arch Surg. 1985; 120:1013–1020
4. Crapp AR, Cuthbertson AM. William Waldeyer and the rectosacral fascia. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1974; 138:252–256
5. Unal E, Ozkan OF, Yuksekdag S. A lifesaving manoeuvre: pelvic packing in the presacral bleeding. Acta Scientific Orthopaedics. 2018; 2:6–7
6. Casal Núñez JE, Vigorita V, Ruano Poblador A, et al. Presacral venous bleeding during mobilization in rectal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2017; 23:1712–1719
7. Braley SC, Schneider PD, Bold RJ, Goodnight JE Jr, Khatri VP. Controlled tamponade of severe presacral venous hemorrhage: use of a breast implant sizer. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002; 45:140–142
8. Ozsoy M, Ozsoy Z, Sahin S, Arikan Y. An alternative technique in the control of massive presacral rectal bleeding: fixation of GORE-TEX® Aortic Patch. Niger J Surg. 2018; 24:60–62
9. van der Vurst TJ, Bodegom ME, Rakic S. Tamponade of presacral hemorrhage with hemostatic sponges fixed to the sacrum with endoscopic helical tackers: report of two cases. Dis Colon Rectum. 2004; 47:1550–1553
10. Remzi FH, Oncel M, Fazio VW. Muscle tamponade to control presacral venous bleeding: report of two cases. Dis Colon Rectum. 2002; 45:1109–1111
11. Harrison JL, Hooks VH, Pearl RK, et al. Muscle fragment welding for control of massive presacral bleeding during rectal mobilization: a review of eight cases. Dis Colon Rectum. 2003; 46:1115–1117
12. Singh A, Kishore R, Saxena SS. Ligating internal iliac artery: success beyond hesitation. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2016; 66Suppl 1235–241

1. To understand the anatomy and physiology of the sacral venous plexus.
2. To identify the methods available in treating presacral bleeding.
3. To review and understand the treatment algorithm for massive presacral bleeding.
1. Which statement most accurately explains why there can be massive blood loss when the presacral veins are injured?
A. The valves present in these veins cause an increase in hydrostatic pressure thus increasing the rate of blood loss
B. The hydrostatic pressure in the presacral space, with a patient in lithotomy position, is up to three times that of the inferior vena cava.
C. Studies have shown that blood flow from a presacral vein measuring 2mm - 4mm in size can reach up to 2000mL/min.
D. The most likely location of injury is the upper sacrum where the rectum is most likely to be fused to the presacral fascia.
2. Which of the following approaches is advised when massive pelvic bleeding is first identified?
A. Compression of bleeding site and communication with anesthesia
B. Increase the electrocautery to 60 and make an attempt at getting control
C. Aspiration of the blood until good visualization and place a stitch at the site
D. Ligate the internal iliac arteries and call for metal thumbtacks in case bleeding is not controlled.
3. A 74 y.o male patient with a T3N0M0 mid rectal cancer is taken to the operating room for a low anterior resection with plan for primary anastomosis. During the deep pelvic dissection, there is moderate bleeding. The patient is hemodynamically stable. On inspection you can see a single site as the source of the bleeding. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first line treatment option to attempt gaining control of the bleeding?
A. Breast implant sizer
B. Selective arterial embolization
C. Metallic thumbtack
D. Electrocoagulation
4. A 63 y.o. female with a low rectal cancer is undergoing an abdominal perineal resection. During the pelvic dissection, there is sudden massive bleeding. You have packed the pelvis with laparotomy sponges, however the bleeding continues. What would be an appropriate method to try to control the bleeding?
A. Electrocoagulation
B. Hemostatic agents
C. Hemostatic sponge
D. Ligation of the internal iliac arteries
5. Indirect coagulation using muscle is a very effective method of obtaining hemostasis in the setting of pelvic bleeding. Which of the following statements is true regarding this method of hemostasis?
A. A vascularized piece of muscle is sewn over the bleeding area
B. The muscle is easily moldable to the bleeding surface
C. Muscle fragment welding is only effective for one bleeding site
D. The muscle is typically harvested from the psoas muscle
6. Which of the following statements are true regarding ligation of the pelvic vasculature to obtain control of massive pelvic bleeding?
A. Ligation of the internal iliac veins reduces pelvic flow by 49% thus promoting hemostasis.
B. If both internal iliac arteries are ligated, there is a high likelihood of pelvic ischemia
C. After ligation of both internal iliac arteries, there is risk of bladder and gluteal necrosis.
D. The internal iliac artery should be ligated just proximal to the posterior division branch.