「男人的送命题:这个好看吗?」Emily in Paris | 40天无字幕刷美剧Day29

Julien: Yeah, they just need someone from Savoir to sign the insurance waiver for the two million euro watch.



What~am~I signing?

◆ what~am~I [wʌt əm aɪ]

● “保险”:insurance

Can you claim for the loss on your insurance?



My wife has~her~eye on~a very~expensive watch.

◆ has~her~eye on~a [hæz ɜːr aɪ ɑːn ə]

◆ very~expensive watch [ˈveri ɪkˈspensɪv wɑːʧ]

“陷入困境”,“有麻烦”:in trouble


● “想得到”,“想买到”:have an eye on sth

She has her eye on that bag.


● “折扣”:discount

They were selling everything at a discount.


Catherine: Antoine, what do you think of the rose gold?

Sylvie: It really compliments her skin.




Antoine, what do you think~of the rose gold?

◆ think~of [θɪŋk əv]

It really compliments~her skin.

◆ compliments~her skin [ˈkɑːmplɪmənts ɜːr skɪn]

◆ sure I need~it [ʃʊr aɪ niːd ɪt]

● “你觉得...怎么样?”:What do you think of... ?

What do you think of the show so far?


