
本文选自经济学人2019年2月14日文章。《流浪地球》相信很多读者都看过,剧情在此就不作介绍,用ScienceFiction.com在推特上发表的一段评论概括这部电影最合适不过:The Wandering Earth is not without faults, but it is a solid tension-building story that will keep you on the edge of yourseat.
Lights! Camera! Win-win outcomes!
China’s first sci-fi blockbuster is also a foreign-policy primer

“The Wandering Earth”, China’s first blockbusting sci-fi film, has achieved gravity-defying success with this absurd plot. In its first ten days in cinemas it earned an impressive 3bn yuan ($440m). The film is widely expected to become China’s second highest-grossing, behind “Wolf Warrior 2”, a jingoistic thriller whose lead actor, Wu Jing, also stars in the sci-fi pic. Many Chinese commentators attribute the film’s stellar success to growing pride in the country’s space programme. Last month China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.
“The Wandering Earth”, China’s first blockbusting sci-fi film, has achieved gravity-defying success with this absurd plot. In its first ten days in cinemas it earned an impressive 3bn yuan ($440m). The film is widely expected to become China’s second highest-grossing, behind “Wolf Warrior 2”, a jingoistic thriller whose lead actor, Wu Jing, also stars in the sci-fi pic. Many Chinese commentators attribute the film’s stellar success to growing pride in the country’s space programme. Last month China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.
blockbusting: adj. 一鸣惊人的,大获全胜的 (very successful commercially.),一般形容非常成功、畅销的电影或书籍,是"successful"的高端表达。
gravity-defying: 该词是复合词,gravity:重力,defy: 反抗,"gravity-defying": 反重力的,即“冉冉上升”,文中修饰“successful”,指“大获成功”,《经济学人》在报道比特币的一篇文章中,用了这样的表达:Ripple, too, is defying gravity. It is all the rage in crypto-crazy South Korea, which this week roiled crypto-markets with plans to ban trading on exchanges. Ripple(一种加密货币的名字)也在迅速发展。它在韩国狂热的加密货币市场风靡一时。本周,韩国计划禁止在交易所对它进行交易,此举搅乱了加密货币市场。defy是外刊中非常常见且好用的小词,该词的意思非常丰富,本意是“藐视;公然反抗”,但在不同语境,又有不同的意味。例如,某物无法用语言表达,溢于言表,可以用“sth defies words/description”,eg. What she saw defied reasonable description. “defy the odds”:困难重重,例如在SpaceX成功发射火箭后,一家外媒这样报道:SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket booster defied the odds and survived a high-powered water landing on Wednesday - surprising even company founder Elon Musk. SpaceX公司的猎鹰9号火箭助力器克服重重困难,于周三在水面成功降落,这甚至让公司创始人埃隆·马斯克都感到意外。在2016年,民主党人Bernie Sanders和Hillary Clinton竞选民主党总统候选人时,外媒有一篇文章这样报道 :Poll-Defying Pattern Predicts Sanders Victory:与民调相悖的模式预示着桑德斯的胜利。此外,《经济学人》一篇关于加密货币的报道,标题用了这句话:A new form of cryptocurrency promises to defy financial gravity:一种新型加密货币有望挑战金融引力。《经济学人浓咖啡》中,一篇关于沙特准许女性开车的报道中,出现这样一句话:Women are still forbidden to defy dress codes, interact with unrelated men or get medical care without permission from male guardians. It’s a long road ahead. 女性仍被禁止违反着装规范,与不相关的男性交往,或未经男性监护人许可而接受医疗救助。前面还有很长的路要走。
first ten days in cinemas:首映10天,首映除了“first in cinemas”外,还可以用“debut/ launching/ premiere/ hit the screen”等,都是非常好的词。
highest-grossing:票房最高的,《卫报》中报道《流浪地球》的文章也用到了这个词,见下方例句。斯坦李去世时,《经济学人》中一篇讣告中用了“hugely grossing films”来表示高票房电影,见下方例句。
[卫报例句]:So far, it is the highest-grossing film released over the lunar new year holiday season, a peak time for the Chinese box office. 到目前为止,它是中国春节假期期间上映的票房最高的电影,春节假期也是中国票房的高峰时期。
[经济学人例句]:No wonder he loved to take cameo parts in the hugely grossing films that featured his creations! 难怪他喜欢在以他创造的各类人物为主角的卖座电影中客串角色!
jingoistic:沙文主义的,极端爱国主义的,与“chauvinism”同义;大男子主义:male chauvinism.
attribute the film’s stellar success to: attribute A to B: 把A归咎于B,类似的表达还有blame...on/ blame... for (点击链接阅读前文对blame的讲解:苹果销量下滑的背后【经济学人精讲】第199期)。stellar scuccess: 巨大成功,同“gravity-defying success”,《金融时报》中讲到中国经济放缓的一篇文章中,就用到了这个词,见下方例句。此外,stellar还有“一流的,优秀的”意思,引申为“出名、走红”,例如:Li Yuchun went stellar in Super Girl launched by Hunan TV.
[金融时报例句]:These reforms allowed private companies to make a disproportionately large contribution to China’s stellar output, employment and export growth. 这些改革使得私营企业对中国巨大的产出、就业和出口增长做出了不成比例的重大贡献。
far side: 背面,这里指月球距地球的远端,即背面。