雅思口语| 来自美剧《纸牌屋》的高分表达10
1 be in a very grey area ethically, legally 处于道德和法律的灰色地带
We are in a very grey area ethically, legally我们现在处于道德和法律的灰色地带。
2 be in the same boat 是一条船上的人
We are in the same boat now, Zoe.Take care not to tip it over,

3 address 讲话内容
He announces the education initiative on Monday.Half of the address is based on...他周一就要宣布教育改革计划了讲话一半的内容是基于...
4 count on sb. 靠某人
We're counting on you. Good.那就全靠你了,很好。
5 have a little favor to ask 请你帮个小忙
Now I do have a little favor to ask.我想请你帮个小忙。
6 get by 还过得去
How are things in the city of brotherly love?费城那边情况如何
We're getting by.还过得去吧
7 play dumb with me 跟我装傻
Don't play dumb with me Peter.别跟我装傻,彼得
Save it for the Ethics Committee.留着这套应付道德委员会吧
8 hold sb. in very low esteem. 极不尊重某人
Then you must hold God in very low esteem.那你肯定极不尊重上帝.
9 wrong question 那不重要
Where did you get this? Wrong question.从哪弄来的,那不重要
The right question is how quickly can we get it up on the site.重要的是最快什么时能发到网站上
10 get this online right away 尽快发到网上
We should get this online right away.我们最好尽快发到网上