雅思口语| Part1难题:Pet宠物

1 make good companions 很好的陪伴

Dogs can make good companions. 狗狗可以很好的陪伴。

2 everyone keeps warning me 每个人都跟我说

Yeah, everyone keeps warning me about the fact that not only is my apartment small but I'm not home a lot and either is my girlfriend so the dog will be home a lot of the time by itself. 人人都跟我说我的房子不仅小,而且我常常不在家。我的女朋友也不在家。所以狗狗就自己呆家里。

3 be not properly toilet trained 随地大小便

I think also, sometimes they're kind of dirty inside of the house. They leave lots of pet hair and sometimes they're not properly toilet trained. 我觉得有时候房子里面会比较脏。它们会留下宠物毛发,而且有时候随地大小便。

4 clean up after them 跟在后面清理

But I don't think it's worth the extra work. You have to clean up after them and of course, like you said, you have to train them. 我觉得不值得做额外的工作呢,你得跟在后面清理,还得训练它们。

5 finicky 难以讨好的

Cats are so finicky. Cats don't really like you, I feel like. I feel like the dog is there right when you walk in the door waiting for you to come home. A cat is out next door walking on the fence. They don't care about you. 猫是很难讨好的,猫不是那么喜欢你,我感觉你一回家狗狗就回来迎接你,而猫就不会,它就不在乎你,也许还在旁边的围墙上晃悠。

