看美剧考雅思 | 小谢尔顿(4)

1 You're gonna get your ass kicked in high school. 你在高中绝对会被人扁的屁滚尿流。

2 You knock that off, George. 快停手,乔治。

3 Do not retaliate/rɪ'tælɪeɪt/. 不许还手。

4 I'm only nine years old. Most evil doesn't start till puberty. 我才九岁,大多数恶念要等青春期才产生。

5 Lights out. 熄灯睡觉啦。

6 but that's because she's gulliable, not a liar. 但她只是好骗,而不是个骗子。

7 ----Mom, Sheldon can't find his bowtie. 妈妈,谢尔顿找不到他的领结。

--Really?I laid it out for him. 真的吗?我帮他把衣服都摆好了呀。

8 Can I drive in with you?我能坐你的车去上学吗?

9 Shelly, stay calm. We'll find it. 谢尔顿,冷静,我们会找到的。

10 Stay out of my room. 别进我的房间。

