法吉(扬·罗比凯的CEO)台阶制的重要性。一步一个台阶,一步一个脚印地往前走。不要过早地规划自己的事业道路。法吉:1978年――噢,你看,似乎是很久以前了。我刚从哈佛商学院毕业一年,在通用磨坊公司作营销助理。一天,我与产品经理肯特·蒂皮进行了一次谈话。他抱怨说,工商管理硕士如何想当CEO,以及他们如何计算着提拔到这个层次或那个层次需要多长时间。不错,我们当中有一个家伙是这一记录的保持者――他已经把我们的一生都规划好了。说实话,我也想进步。我很想当产品经理,但肯特对我说:“不要看得太远,把精力集中在你现在所做的事情上。”他使我相信,擅长于产品管理的人会成为好的产品经理,但不一定有进入更高一层领导层的能力。因此,过早地规划你的事业道路没什么用。你最好能够在每个层次上都显示出能力来――要求你做X时,你却能够做到X、Y和Z。遵循他的忠告,我争取做到在每项工作上都出类拔萃。我做到了。Don’t chart your career path too soon.Fudge: It was 1978—oh, God,that seems so long ago. I was a year out of Harvard Business School. I was working at General Mills as a marketing assistant on Cheerios. One day I was having a conversation with the product manager on Cheerios, Kent Tippy. He was complaining about how MBAs want to be CEOs and measure how fast they make it to this level and that level. In fact, one guy in our group was keeping score—hehad people’s careers all charted out. I admit I was looking ahead too. I really wanted to be a product manager. Kent said to me, “Don’t look too far ahead. Focuson what you’re doing right now.” He convinced me that people who are good inproduct management tend to be good executors but may not have the skills to goto higher levels of leadership. So it’s not useful to chart your career path so early on. You’re better off demonstrating capabilities at each level—to do X,Y, and Z when you’re asked to do X. following his advice, I really tried to excel in each job. It worked.摘自《财富》——易激扬编译