



所举验案中两例抑郁症患者经扶阳添精、潜阳安神治疗后均恢复正常工作和生活.[结论]郭师治疗抑郁症经验独到,其辨证思路、选方用药有临床实用价值.采用郭师的经验,从"阳虚气弱,精血亏虚,阴火上浮"论治抑郁症,运用"扶阳益气,养血添精,温潜阴火"的原则确能明显改善抑郁症患者的临床症状,显著提高患者生活质量.%[Objective]Summarize the Professor GUO Lizhong's experience of treating depression with strengthening Yang-Qi, providing a new perspective for the treatment of depression. [ Methods]Through observing and recording the clinical work with Professor GUO, organizing medical records, prescriptions and collecting lecture materials, theses and writings, analyzing its dialectical ideas, prescription and medication; by retriving ancient TCM books and analyzing famous TCM doctors' academic thoughts, to summarize Professor GUO's point of treating depression academic ideas and prescription drugs by strengthening Yang-Qi. That choosing Sini soup combined with Guipi soup and Tianjing soup receives good effect. [Results]Professor GUO Lizhong's thought mainly originates from classical works, such as "Internal Classics", who thinks that Yang-Qi deficiency is the root cause of depression, the essence and blood deficiency are the key links, frivolous virtual fire is its incentive, treatment of wanning or diving Yang-Qi is the first, then support essence and Yang-Qi. Two cases of depression returned to normal work and life after treatment of warning and diving Yang-Qi and supporting essence and Yang-Qi. [ Conclusion ]lt's unique of Professor GUO's experience in the treatment of depression, it is worthy of further study and experience of the dialectical ideas and election of prescription clinical value. To take GUO's experience for treating depression from the "Yang weakness, essence and blood deficiency, Yin fire up", and apply his rule can markedly relieve depression patients' clinical symptoms and obviously improve patients' life quality.收起▲

期刊名称: 浙江中医药大学学报

原文格式: PDF

作者单位: 南京中医药大学 南京 210029南京中医药大学第一临床医学院

收录信息: 中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD),

年(卷),期: 2018,042,003


页码: 224-227

总页数: 4

正文语种: chi

中图分类: R395

原文服务方: 国家工程技术数字图书馆

关键词: 抑郁症, 阳虚精亏, 扶阳, 温潜法, 扶阳添精法, 医案, 名医经验,







