
Where’ s the post office?=
Is there a post office near here?=
Can you tell(show) me the way to the post office?=
Which is the way to the post office?=
How can I get to the post office?

Is there a bank near here?-Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.这里附近有银行吗?
The pay phone is across from the library.
The library is between the restaurant and the supermarket.图书馆位于餐馆和超级市场之间
The bank is on Green Street.
银行在Green Street这条街道上

The restaurant is in front of the post office.
The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.
The hotel is behind the library.旅馆在图书馆的后面
The park is next to the school.公园在学校旁边

Is there a hotel in the neighbourhood?
It’s not too far from here.距离这里不远
Just go straight and turn left then turn right。
Take a walk through the park.走路穿过公园
Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.
Bridge Street是一个好玩的地方

If you are hungry,you can buy some food in the supermarket.如果你肚子饿了,你可以在超市里买一些食物。
Take a taxi from the airport.从飞机场打车
On the left-on the right.在左边/在右边
Turn left at the first turning.在第一个转弯处向左走
The park is 2 kilometers away from here.
Go across the bridge.走过这座桥

They enjoy visiting the Garden District.
他们参观Garden District.玩得很开心
The children have fun playing computer games.
Her mother is busy cleaning her house
China is a great country with a long history.
中国 是一个具有悠久历史的伟大的国家
The door is open.-Please open the door.
There are many visitors visiting China.
They will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.他们明天将到达北京
He arrives at the park.他到达公园
I know you are arriving tomorrow.我知道你明天将到达
I love to watch monkeys climbing around.
The best things in life are free.
There is an orange and some bananas on the table. 桌上有一个桔子和一些香樵。


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