
It was in the 1930s that the concept of positive thinking as a tool to success was first introduced to the world. Since then, much has been said and written about the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is defined as the “philosophy that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement.”

在上世纪三十年代,正向思考的概念被当做一种通往成功的工具公之于众。从那起,有很多论述和文章讨论了有关保持正向态度的重要性。积极的心态(简称PMA) 被定义为 '在人生中每一种情况下保持乐观态度都会吸引积极变化并提高成就的哲学。'

Positive self-talk and affirmations are touted as some of the key concepts used by business people and athletes to stay focused on their goals. PMA is so ingrained into some of us that we do not hesitate to dish out that familiar line of advice to our distressed neighbours, “Be Positive.” Critics of this theory, however, say that positive thinking is not the secret of success, but only the result of success.

积极的自我对话与肯定被标榜成商人和运动员用来专注于目标的关键概念。PMA对我们中的一些人是如此根深蒂固,我们会毫不犹豫地为我们痛苦、沮丧、失落的邻居提出熟悉的建议,“乐观一点。” 但是这个理论的批判者说,正向思维并不是成功的秘诀,但却是成功的结果。

In his characteristic style, Sadhguru debunks theories and philosophies, questioning the need to classify situations as positive or negative instead of seeing them just the way they are.


Sadhguru: The more you try to be positive, the more you will become negative. The nature of the mind is such that if you say, “I don’t want this,” only that will happen in your mind. Isn’t it so? Now, if you say, “I don’t want the negative,” only that will happen. Why are you talking about positive or negative at all? Why do you want to look at things this way? Why don’t you look at every situation the way it is, accept it the way it is, and see what is the best you can do about it? A situation is neither positive nor negative. Don’t try to develop attitudes and philosophies. Why can’t you just be here, without any specific attitude? Without any philosophy? Just aware. Simply aware.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):你越尝试去积极你就会越消极。头脑的本质就是这样,如果你说:“我不想要这个,” 那么你的头脑里就只会想这个。难道不是吗?现在,如果你说;“我不想要消极,”只有那个会发生(译者:只有消极会发生)。为什么你会讨论关于积极或者消极的问题呢?为什么你要以这样的方式看待事物?你为什么不以原本的样子看待每种情况,接受它本来的样子,然后看看你如何才能最好地去处理?任何一种情况都既不是正向的也不是负面的。不要试着去发展出态度或者信条。你为什么不能只是在这里,没有任何特定的的态度,没有任何的信条?只是觉知,仅仅去觉知。

Every situation demands a different kind of response, isn’t it? If you develop attitudes of positive thinking or what not, it may work well in one situation. But in another kind of situation you will do stupid things, because you have a prejudiced idea that you have to be in a certain way. If you go on thinking positive at the wrong place, the worst things may happen to you, isn’t it? So there is no need to be positive. There is no need to be negative, either. Just be aware. If you are aware, you will perceive a situation just the way it is. When you perceive a situation the way it is, you can act to the best of your intelligence and capability. It is as simple as that. Don’t get into prejudiced action.


