Tonight Alive《The Ocean》



Everyday music




名: 《The Ocean》

歌者Tonight Alive

词曲Whakaio Taahi & Jenna McDougall




[Verse 1]

I feel heavy, I feel weighted

And I feel hungry, I feel wasted

Oh, I can't put my finger on my feelings

Put my ear to the ceiling, where is that coming from?

Where are you coming from?


I'm just waiting for the walls of my insides to come clean

I've been praying for the day that my spirit is finally free

Some days it feels like the ocean lies inside of me

Lies inside of me

[Verse 2]

And I feel paralysed, been cut down to size

I hardly have the strength, to open up my eyes

'Cause I am swollen, and this has stolen my sanity

Well it's hard to see beyond this when it's fighting against me



I'm just waiting for the walls of my insides to come clean

I've been praying for the day that my spirit is finally free

Some days it feels like the ocean lies inside of me

Lies inside of me


The waves crash in, the tide rolls out

I stand before my weakness now

You took my faith and cut me down

The ocean it lies, it lies inside me now

The ocean, the ocean

I'm just waiting for the walls of my insides to come clean

I've been praying for the day that my spirit


I'm just waiting for the walls of my insides to come clean

I've been praying for the day that my spirit is finally free

Some days it feels like the ocean lies inside of me

Lies inside of me



今天分享一首Tonight Alive 的《The Ocean》

今天来首有点主流又不那么主流的歌曲。这首歌来自Tonight Alive 2013年的专辑《The Other Side》,是专辑的主打单曲。在这张专辑之前,他们乐队一直在另一个Paramore乐队的阴影下前行。这张专辑是他们找回自信的一张专辑,这里的每首歌都代表了过去几年的重要时刻,无论是对乐队整体而言,还是对乐队的主要词曲作者McDougall而言。如果你们喜欢听有强大力量的情绪摇滚,一定不要错过他们的歌曲,他们很擅长将沉重的声音与积极的歌词搭配。



Tonight Alive是一支来自澳大利亚新南威尔士州城堡山的四人流行朋克乐队。由贝斯手卡Cameron Adler,、吉他手Jake Hardy、歌手 Jenna McDougall和鼓手Matty Best组成。他们是被美国摇滚电台KROQ列为 2010 年澳大利亚十大乐队之一,在今天这张专辑后他们也发表了让更多人知道的单曲《The Edge》,并且被用做《超凡蜘蛛侠2》电影作为主题曲。

