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The logical approach to explaining or defining Lean Six Sigma is to first state that the term “Lean Six Sigma” is a combination of two terms “Lean” and “Six Sigma” which means two different things. The word “Lean” is synonymous with the term “waste reduction” and the term “Six Sigma” is synonymous to “variation reduction”.

Before now, what we have was Lean and Six Sigma (although some people still maintain this), but more recently it is been referred to as LEAN SIX SIGMA without the “and” which is just to show that they are two different process coming together as one.

In clearer terms, Lean Six Sigma can be defined as a fact-oriented, data dependent, methodology that uses well defined processes to prevent defect in service or production within an organization, by reducing variability, waste, duration and also improve work efficiency and standards, leading to customer satisfaction and the creation of a great competitive advantage for such organization.

Lean and Six Sigma complement each other. Lean accelerates Six Sigma, delivering greater results than what would typically be achieved by Lean or Six Sigma individually.

The usefulness of Lean six sigma is not restricted to any particular industry, it can be used in any organization that is involved in creating quality products to customers or those that renders one service or the other to their clients.

Lean Six Sigma is that certification that helps individuals and organizations know how to reduce waste in production or while offering a service, reduce the cycle time and also reduce variability. Organizations who want to be known for consistency in quality in a short period of time need to subscribe to the Lean Six Sigma training and certification.



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