

2001 毕业于江西师范大学油画系

2003 毕业于中央美术学院版画系第三工作室,师从王华祥先生、康剑飞老师

2005 就读于中央美术学院油画系第三工作室,师从谢东明、刘小东两位先生


Lu Yun

2001 Graduated from the Department of Oil Painting of Jiangxi Normal University

2003 Studied as a graduate student in the Third Studio of Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts under the guidance of Wang Huaxiang and Kang Jianfei

2005 Studied in the Third Studio of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts under the guidance of Xie Dongming and Liu Xiaodong

Currently lives in Beijing, She has been travelling all over the world for artistic creation.

人类是这样生活的吗?——南美之光  布面丙烯  2020

Does Human Beings Live Like This?

— The Light of South America

Acrylic on canvas


南美的遐想  布面丙烯  2019

South American Reverie

Acrylic on canvas


穿越中世纪  布面丙烯  2019

Travelling through the Medieval Ages

Acrylic on canvas


生生之意 天地之心



文(节选)/ 范萍萍

物以传悟——姻果  布面丙烯  2019

Deliver Perceptions with Things—The Fruit of Marriage

Acrylic on canvas


锡兰之美——我将会是谁的新娘?  布面丙烯  2019

The Beauty of Ceylon — Whose Bride Will I Become?

Acrylic on canvas


人类是这样生活的吗?——老挝丰沙里的狂想曲  布面丙烯  2018

Does Human Beings Live Like This?

— A Rhapsody of Phongsari of Laos

Acrylic on canvas


Reflect Nature of Heaven and Earth with Vitality of Beings

—Lu Yun’s Life Philosophy on Paintings

Lu Yun has a typical educational background in fine arts, together with diversified studies in her artworks, the representational tradition of Third Studio of Oil Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, bottom colors in print training, and so on. However, there is no sign of artistic consciousness reflected from hearty and extensive picture effects and unique image shapes being trapped in paradigms or modeling programs. The springboard of creation is not a strategy that caters to doing something unconventional or unorthodox and the artist is consciously maintaining alienation from the marketing mechanism. Lu Yun is only loyal to her artistic volition, with enough courage to reclaim art territory in her own way. Seeking self-expression has always been the keynote of arts and the theme of philosophy. “Know Thyself” is carved into stone at the entrance to Apollo’s temple at Delphi in Greece. Both First Alcibiades (a dialogue depicting Socrates in conversation with Alcibiades) and Foucault’s aesthetics of existence discuss subjective practice for self-concern and individual aesthetic existence. What is rare and commendable is that there is no groundless willfulness based on economic predominance in Lu Yun’s art ego, but self-discipline, clemency and enthusiasm, which always make people warm. Her dedication to arts and hard-working, serious attitude and devotion are also surprising and amazing. Orthodox training and excellent conditions have not become barriers for her artistic creation, but are properly transformed into nutrients for her expression in her strong artistic subjectivity, promoting breakthroughs against her own closure and narrowness into generosity and transcendency. The representational hues in her unrestrained and personalized strokes turn viewers’ sentimentality into colorful rainbows and ship their spirit to another world.

Text (Excerpt)/ Fan Pingping

物以传悟——冠门  布面丙烯  2018

Deliver Perceptions with Things—As Nominal

Acrylic on canvas


物以传悟——贵行七彩  布面油画  2018

Deliver Perceptions with Things

—The Importance of Seven Colours

Oil on canvas


物以传悟——世之迥异  布面丙烯  2018

Deliver Perceptions with Things

—Times Are Very Different

Acrylic on canvas


沉思  木板丙烯画  2017


Acrylic on wood



2021 观:中国当代绘画艺术展,国立装饰艺术博物馆,莫斯科,俄罗斯

2021 第六届“国韵经典”中国当代写实油画名家精品展,大唐西市艺术品中心,西安,中国

2020 第五届“国韵经典”中国当代写实油画名家精品邀请展,大唐西市艺术品中心,西安,中国

2020 脉:中国当代绘画展,亚洲美术馆,福冈,日本

2018 第三届“国韵经典”中国当代写实小幅油画名家精品全国巡展·西安站,陕西,中国

2015 “可见之诗”中国油画⻛景展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2014 “可见之诗”中国油画⻛景展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2012 “最绘画”中国⻘年油画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2012 中国油画写生作品展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2011 第四届全国⻘年美术作品展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2009 “研究与超越”第二届中国小幅油画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

Selected Exhibitions

2021 View: Chinese Contemporary Painting Exhibition, National Museum of Decorative Arts, Moscow, Russia

2021 The Sixth "National Rhyme Classic" Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Masters, Datang West City Art Center, Xi'an, China

2020 The Fifth "National Rhyme Classic" Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Masters, Datang West City Art Center, Xi'an, China

2020  Pulse: Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting, Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan

2018  The Third "National Rhyme Classic" National Tour Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Realistic Small Oil Painting Masters, Xi 'an station, Shaanxi, China

2015 Visible Poetry: Exhibition of Sketching Works of Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2014 Visible Poetry: Exhibition of Sketching Works of Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2012 The Exhibition of Most Outstanding Chinese Youth Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2012 Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting  Sketching Works, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2011 The 4th Exhibition of National Youth Arts, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2009 "Research and Transcendence" the 2nd Exhibition of Chinese Small-sized Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China



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