

印度卫生部门说,预计很快就会获得世卫组织对 Covaxin 的紧急使用授权。



印度可能会在本月允许出口俄罗斯国内生产的 Sputnik Light 新冠疫苗,因为该疫苗尚未在印度获得批准。

印度卫生部周五通知,印度在过去 24 小时内记录了 31,382 例新增新冠病例,总数达到 33,594,803。

在过去 24 小时内记录的新感染病例中,喀拉拉邦记录了 19,682 例病例。

现在活跃病例数量为 3,00,162,这是 188 天以来的最低水平。活跃病例占比不到 1%,目前占总病例数的 0.89%,为 2020 年 3 月以来的最低水平。

过去 24 小时内有 32,542 人康复,该国的康复率也达到了自疫情开始以来的最高 97.78%。

据卫生部称,到目前为止,已有多达 3,28,48,273 人康复。

迄今为止,该国还报告了 4,46,368 人死于感染,其中 318 人在过去 24 小时内死亡。

在过去的 25 天里,每日阳性率一直低于 3%,目前为 2.00%,而每周阳性率为 2.07%。在过去的 91 天里,它一直保持在 3% 以下。

印度共进行了 5.599 亿次新冠病毒测试。

根据印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR),迄今为止测试的样本总数为 55,99,32,709,其中包括昨天测试的 15,65,696 个样本。

印度卫生部表示,迄今为止,印度全国疫苗接种计划已接种了 8.415 亿剂疫苗。

在过去 24 小时内共接种了 72,20,642 剂疫苗,使该国的疫苗接种总数达到 84,15,18,026 剂。




NEW DELHI: Italy has become the latest EU member to recognise WHO-approved Covishield, after several others like Germany, Switzerland, France and Spain. Indian vaccine card holders are now eligible for GreenPass, The Indian embassy in Rome tweeted Friday.


塔塔汽车公司宣布,其电动汽车 (EV) 产品组合现已突破了 10,000 辆的销售里程碑。

Tata Motors has announced it has now crossed the 10,000-unit sales milestone with its electric vehicle (EV) portfolio.


印度国防部周五与西班牙空中客车防务和航天公司签订了近 2000亿卢比的合同,采购 56 架 C-295 中型运输机,将取代印度空军的 Avro-748 飞机。

The Defence Ministry on Friday inked a nearly ₹20,000 crore contract with Airbus Defence and Space of Spain to procure 56 C-295 medium transport aircraft which will replace Avro-748 planes of the Indian Air Force.
The long-pending procurement was cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Security two weeks back.



亚马逊印度Prime Video负责人高拉夫·甘地(Gaurav Gandhi)在推出服务前接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示,亚马逊频道服务将帮助客户使用Prime旗舰忠诚计划,在一个界面上订阅多个流媒体服务。

NEW DELHI: Amazon.com Inc launched in India on Friday eight global and local streaming services on its video platform, in a move aimed at boosting subscriptions.
The Amazon Channels service will help customers using its Prime flagship loyalty programme to subscribe to multiple streaming services on a single interface, Gaurav Gandhi, the head of Amazon Prime Video in India, told Reuters in an interview ahead of the launch.



这家初创公司已有7年历史,由27岁的 瑞特什·阿加瓦尔 创立,计划在IPO中通过一级和二级销售融资12亿美元,估值超过120亿美元。



Indian budget hotel chain startup Oyo is looking to file for an initial public offering as soon as next week, people familiar with the matter told TechCrunch, joining a handful of firms in the world’s second-largest market that are working to explore the public markets.

The seven-year-old startup, founded by 27-year-old Ritesh Agarwal, is planning to raise as much as $1.2 billion in primary and secondary sales in the IPO and is aiming for a valuation of over $12 billion, the people said requesting anonymity discussing private matters.

The aforementioned terms could slightly change in the next few days and the startup may take an additional few days to file the paperwork, the people said.

Like Zomato, and a handful of firms, including Paytm and PolicyBazaar, Oyo plans to list on Indian stock exchanges, one person said. Agarwal doesn’t plan to sell any stake at the IPO, the person added.



根据周四发布的 2022 年 QS 毕业生就业能力排名,印度理工学院 (IIT)-孟买是印度最适合以就业为重点的学生的机构。

根据 QS 对 50,000 多名雇主的调查,IIT-Bombay 培养了印度最高水平的毕业生。它在 QS 的雇主声誉指标中取得了全国领先的分数(73.9/100,全球第 70 位)。

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay is the best institution in India for career-focused students, according to 2022 QS Graduate Employability Rankings released on Thursday.
According to more than 50,000 employers surveyed by QS, IIT-Bombay produces India’s highest calibre of graduates. It achieves the nation’s leading score for QS’s Employer Reputation indicator (73.9/100, 70th globally).


新德里:福特汽车公司的印度负责人 阿努拉格·梅赫罗特拉 已退出公司,寻求其他职业机会,几天前这家美国汽车制造商表示将停止在这个亚洲国家生产汽车。

根据他的领英个人资料,梅赫罗特拉 已在印度福特公司工作了十多年,担任多个职务,包括营销、销售,最近担任总裁兼董事总经理。
知情人士告诉路透社,9 月 30 日将是 Mehrotra 的最后一天。

NEW DELHI: Ford Motor Co's India head Anurag Mehrotra has quit the company to pursue other career opportunities, days after the US automaker said it would stop making cars in the Asian nation.

Mehrotra, according to his LinkedIn profile, has spent over a decade with Ford in India across multiple roles including marketing, sales and most recently as president and managing director.

September 30 will be Mehrotra's last day, a source with knowledge of the information told Reuters.








Authorities in India are investigating a case where a 15-year-old girl was repeatedly gang-raped for around nine months, said local media reports.

Police in the city of Mumbai have arrested 28 people in connection to the alleged rapes, which began in January.

Local reports said it began when the girl's boyfriend raped her and filmed the incident.
He and his friends then reportedly used the recording to blackmail her into having sex with them.
Authorities said the gang-rapes happened in different suburbs of Mumbai, including Dombivili, Badlapur, Murbad and Rabale.

The girl finally reported the case to the police on Wednesday night. News outlet NDTV said the girl had named 33 attackers in total, and that she knew almost all of them.




包括中央银行以及银行、证券和外汇监管机构在内的 10 家机构发誓要共同努力根除“非法”加密货币活动,这是北京各机构首次联手明确禁止所有与加密货币相关的活动 .

SHANGHAI/LONDON: China's most powerful regulators on Friday intensified the country's crackdown on cryptocurrency with a blanket ban on all crypto transactions and mining, hitting bitcoin and other major coins and pressuring crypto and blockchain-related stocks.
Ten agencies, including the central bank as well as banking, securities and foreign exchange regulators, vowed to work together to root out "illegal" cryptocurrency activity, the first time the Beijing-based agencies have joined forces to explicitly ban all cryptocurrency-related activity.



该公司欠债 3050 亿美元,现金短缺,市场担心崩溃可能对中国金融体系构成系统性风险,并在世界范围内引起反响。

SINGAPORE: China Evergrande slipped toward a kind of limbo on Friday as time ticked away on an interest payment deadline which global markets are watching for signs of default, leaving investors on tenterhooks over the embattled property giant's fate.
The company owes $305 billion, has run short of cash and markets are worried a collapse could pose systemic risks to China's financial system and reverberate around the world.
