LAC的书屋 | 设计师必读书籍——《设计师的材料使用指南》
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「 Property & Quality 」
作者引用David Pye对属性和质量的定义解释本书中材料特性的概念。在本书中,属性(Property)是以材料内在具有的,恒定的物理特性,它与生俱来,不因人类的加工而改变,例如材料的硬度、色彩、密度、延展性、耐热性、透光度等。属性被用于评估一种材料的优缺点,依据属性,设计师可以选择如何加工和处理材料。质量(qualities)表达了材料通过人类加工进行修饰后附加的属性,例如抛光、开孔、开凿等改变表面的粗糙度或添加纹理。
A material’s properties are its internal, constant, and structural form, behavior patterns and related tendencies that exist absent human involvement. Once identified, the properties may bee valuated as advantages or disadvantages when a material is considered for human purpose. Objectively determined are properties of density, ductility, type of strength and thermal action. A material’s qualities are the capabilities of a material to be transformed in response to the subjective human imagination and for human purpose.
建筑业是原材料和再生材料的主要消费行业,同时也在材料消费的同时间接消费了用于加工和生产的能量。随着“绿色产业”的兴起,建筑材料对环境问题的回应也开始进入建筑业的思考范围。在本书中材料将从LCA(Life- Cycle Assessment)全生命周期的角度进行可持续性分析。这种评估方式从材料的原材料开采,加工,运输,使用,废弃或回收的完整周期评估所消耗的物质和能量成本以及所造成的环境成本。
收获(Harvesting Materials),即开采,砍伐、种植、捕获等收集行为,例如从矿山挖出石材和铁矿,在苗圃种植林木。
恢复(Ultimately a Stage of Recovery),材料的生命终点——被废弃,进入垃圾场,或重新进入循环,成为下一阶段的材料。
「 Four Types of Materials 」
第一类:Found materials 原生材料,在未经加工处理时就可直接使用。,例如石头、沙子、土壤。
第三类:Grown materials 生长材料,植物。
第四类,Transformative materials动态可变的材料,包含火、光、水、空气等,这些属于广义上的设计材料,通过控制,它们可以作为表达环境氛围的媒介。
Definition of fire
“natural agency or active principle operative in combustion; popularly conceived as a substance visible in the form of flame or the ruddy glow of incandescence.” —— Oxford English Dictionary.
Properties of Fire
Theories of Fire
Thinking of fire as a balance between these two conditions—a physical and dynamic reality with consequences and a substance desired by people for warmth and light—is the theoretical basis for its innovative use as a building material.
Innovative Applications
Artificial lighting supplements natural daylight and substitutes for it at night. Because energy consumption estimates for artificial light in a typical office building are about 30 percent of the total energy use, plus about 20 percent for the required additional cooling load needed to offset the heat given off by the light fixtures, designers are embracing techniques of design that use daylight to the greatest possible extent. Factors such as site location and orientation, building mass, window- to-wall ratio, glazing type, space purpose, and the color of interior finishes and furnishing materials affect interior daylight performance. Thin buildings (with 40 feet or less between exterior walls) with high ceilings (twelve feet is ideal) and large windows allow daylight to penetrate fully into the room depth, minimizing the need for artificial lighting during the day. Roof apertures such as skylights; windows above eye level called clerestory windows; large, open central spaces such as courtyards or atria with skylights; and even small, unoccupied light shafts bring daylight into buildings that have such deep floor plates that daylight cannot reach into the full interior. In addition to avoiding the overuse of artificial light and the heat generated by artificial light fixtures, rooms with daylight also benefit their occupants, who appreciate experiencing the dynamic qualities of natural light as it changes throughout the day.