
11月24日,FDA公布一封针对美国企业(AuroLife Pharma, LLC,总部位于印度)的警告信。主要的缺陷项涉及OOS调查不充分、厂房维护不利、设施设备的清洁问题和针对工艺变更的验证不足。


对此,公司承诺将召回在FDA 483表格中明确列出的批次,但FDA认为公司未能阐述:对于这些漏水带来的风险为什么公司的管理层未能充分认识到?


CMS# 607087



October 16, 2020

Dear Mr. Reddy:



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your drug manufacturing facility, AuroLife Pharma, LLC, FEI 3005796917, at 2400 Route 130 North, Dayton, New Jersey, and 6 Wheeling Road, Dayton, New Jersey, from January 13 to February 12, 2020.

2020年1月13日至2月12日,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)对你们的药品生产设施AuroLife Pharma, LLC,FEI 3005796917进行了检查,位于美国新泽西州代顿。

This warning letter summarizes significant violations of current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations for finished pharmaceuticals. See Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), parts 210 and 211 (21 CFR parts 210 and 211).


Because your methods, facilities, or controls for manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your drug products are adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).

由于你们用于生产、加工、包装或储存的方法、设施或控制措施不符合CGMP,因此根据FD&C法案501(a)(2)(B)条及21 U.S.C.351(a)(2)(B) 条的规定,你们的药品被认为是掺假。

We reviewed your March 5, 2020, response to our Form FDA 483 in detail and acknowledge receipt of your subsequent correspondence.

我们详细审查了你们于2020年3月5日对FDA 483表格的答复,并确认收到你们的后续信件。

During our inspection, our investigators observed specific violations including, but not limited to, the following.



1. Your firm failed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications, whether or not the batch has already been distributed (21 CFR 211.192).

1.公司未能彻底调查批次或其中任何组分的任何无法解释的差异或故障,无法满足其质量标准,无论批次是否已经分发(21 CFR 211.192)。

Your firm invalidated initial out-of-specification (OOS) impurity testing results for your olanzapine active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and finished drug product without sufficient investigation to determine the root cause of the failures.


For example, during impurity testing of olanzapine tablets, batch #56119018, an impurity at relative retention time (RRT) (b)(4) was calculated at a concentration of 0.3%, which exceeded the specification for any unidentified impurity (not more than (b)(4)%). You did not adequately investigate this impurity result.


During the OOS investigation, you confirmed the OOS results twice using the original sample. Then you tested a new sample from the same batch with a passing result, and only reported the passing re-test result. Without supporting evidence, you concluded that the impurity results were due to contamination from the mortar and pestle.


Furthermore, you failed to investigate impurity OOS test results for olanzapine API used to make your olanzapine tablets. For example, six lots of this API exceeded the specification limit of (b)(4)% for an unknown impurity at RRT (b)(4).

此外,你们没有调查用于制备奥氮平片剂的奥氮平API的杂质OOS检验结果。例如,对于RRT XX处的未知杂质,该API六个批次超出了XX%的质量标准限度。

You did not adequately investigate these impurity test failures. You released five of these API lots for finished drug production and rejected one. In the rejected lot, (b)(4), you observed a high unknown impurity at another RRT. During the inspection, firm personnel indicated that this lot had experienced high temperature excursions while in storage.


You had prolonged problems assuring maintenance of the required temperatures of the refrigerated storage unit in which this API was stored.


While you attributed the OOS results at (b)(4) RRT to HPLC method issues that included lack of column prewashing, you failed to implement the corrective action in a timely fashion. Following our inspection, you tested at least (b)(4) more lots before making this correction to the method.

虽然你们将XX RRT上的OOS结果归因于HPLC方法问题,其中包括缺乏色谱柱预清洗,但你们未能及时实施纠正措施。根据我们的检查,在对方法进行校正之前,你们至少检验了XX批次。

In your response, you wrote that your firm will re-evaluate the OOS results for batch #56119018 and recall the batch if necessary. Regarding the olanzapine API, you wrote that your “QC management verified all the tested and released lots for the subject peak at (b)(4) RRT” and determined the API lots were within specifications. You also wrote that you agreed that your OOS investigation procedure was inadequate and needed revision.

在答复中,你们写道你们公司将重新评估批次#56119018的OOS结果,并在必要时召回该批次。关于奥氮平API,你们写道:“QC管理人员验证了XX RRT的所有检验和放行批次的目标峰,并确定API批次在质量标准限度内”。你们还写道,你们同意你们的OOS调查程序不充分,需要进行修订。

Your response is inadequate. We disagree with your conclusion that there was sufficient evidence to invalidate the OOS results for the five lots of olanzapine API. You also did not perform a retrospective assessment to identify all OOS results that were invalidated by your laboratory without strong scientific justification and clear evidence. Additionally, your revised OOS procedure remains insufficient. For example, it failed to ensure a thorough investigation of potential manufacturing causes is initiated whenever a laboratory cause cannot be conclusively identified.


In response to this letter, provide:


· The identity of the impurities at RRT (b)(4) and (b)(4) seen in lot (b)(4) of olanzapine API that failed for unknown impurities (specification NMT (b)(4)%). After you identify these impurities:

o Determine if these impurities were potentially seen in forced degradation studies

o Determine which root cause(s) was most likely to be associated with the degradant(s) found

o Expand your investigation of OOS results at similar RRT in other batches of olanzapine API, and perform identification and proper root cause analysis

·奥氮平API批次XX因未知杂质而失败(质量标准NMT XX%),需要鉴别该批RRT XX和XX处的杂质。在确定了这些杂质之后:



o就其它批次的奥氮平 API,扩大对类似RRT OOS结果的调查,并进行鉴别和适当的根本原因分析

· A review of all batches of olanzapine API that were stored, or potentially stored, under the same conditions as the failed batch.


· A summary of all test results for each lot of olanzapine API received by your firm, regardless of whether the data was invalidated or if the lot was rejected. Test results for each lot should include each data point generated.

·就你们公司收到的每批奥氮平 API,提供所有检验结果的摘要,无论数据是否无效、或批次是否被拒收。每个批次的检验结果应包括每个生成的数据点。

· A comprehensive, independent assessment of your laboratory practices, procedures, methods, equipment, documentation, and analyst competencies. Based on this review, provide a detailed plan to remediate and evaluate the effectiveness of your laboratory system.


· A retrospective, independent review of all invalidated OOS (including in-process and release/stability testing) results for products currently in the U.S. market and within expiry as of the date of this letter and a report summarizing the findings of the analysis, including the following for each OOS:


o Determine whether the scientific justification and evidence relating to the invalidated OOS result conclusively or inconclusively demonstrates causative laboratory error.


o For investigations that conclusively establish laboratory root cause, provide rationale and ensure that all other laboratory methods vulnerable to the same or similar root cause are identified for remediation.


o For all OOS results found by the retrospective review to have an inconclusive or no root cause identified in the laboratory, include a thorough review of production (e.g., batch manufacturing records, adequacy of the manufacturing steps, suitability of equipment/ facilities,  variability of raw materials, process capability, deviation history, complaint history, batch failure history). Provide a summary of potential manufacturing root causes for each investigation, and any manufacturing operation improvements.


· A comprehensive review and remediation plan for your OOS result investigation systems. The corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) plan should include but not be limited to addressing the following:


o Quality unit oversight of laboratory investigations

o Identification of adverse laboratory control trends

o Resolution of causes of laboratory variation

o Initiation of thorough investigations of potential manufacturing causes whenever a laboratory cause cannot be conclusively identified

o Adequately scoping each investigation and its CAPA

o Revised OOS investigation procedures with these and other remediations.








2. Your firm failed to maintain buildings used in the manufacture, processing, packing or holding of drug products in a good state of repair (21 CFR 211.58).

2.就用于生产、加工,包装或保存药品的厂房,你们公司未能保持良好的维修状态(21 CFR 211.58)。

You failed to adequately maintain your facility in a good state of repair.


For example, in 2018, you had four incidences of water leakage from the ceiling of your encapsulation room (b)(4). Gabapentin capsules, USP 100 mg, were exposed to these leaks during multiple batch encapsulation operations. You also experienced water leaks during encapsulation operations of phentermine capsules.

例如,在2018年,你们有四次从胶囊灌装间天花板XX漏水的事件。在多批灌装操作期间,加巴喷丁胶囊USP 100 mg暴露于这些漏水事件中。在芬特明胶囊的灌装操作过程中,你们也遇到了漏水的情况。

In addition, there were at least five instances of water leaks in your packaging area (rooms (b)(4) and (b)(4)). Some occurred while you were filling tablets into open containers. Some of these leaks occurred above the packaging lines.


Your failure to ensure that your facility is adequately maintained may pose a risk to the quality of your finished drug products, including the moisture sensitive drug, pioglitazone HCL tablets.


Your firm failed to ensure that the root cause of these leaks was addressed promptly and to adequately assess the risks due to exposure of products to elevated ambient moisture.


In your response, we acknowledge you have committed to recalling the batches that were specifically listed on the Form FDA 483 in Observation #1. You also wrote that you plan to add a requirement to examine CAPA effectiveness and develop a new procedure for handling production anomalies. Your response failed to address why your executive management failed to fully recognize the risks from these leaks, and adequately address how you will ensure that facility repairs are addressed promptly.

在你们的答复中,我们确认:你们已承诺召回在FDA 483表中1号观察项中明确列出的批次。你们还写道,你们打算添加一项要求,以检查CAPA有效性,并开发一种处理生产异常的新程序。你们的答复未能解决:为什么管理层未能充分认识到这些泄漏带来风险的原因,并且没有充分说明:你们将如何确保迅速解决设施维修的问题。

In response to this letter, provide:


· Your CAPA plan to implement routine, vigilant operations management oversight of facilities and equipment. This plan should ensure, among other things, prompt detection of equipment/facilities performance issues, effective execution of repairs, adherence to appropriate preventive maintenance schedules, timely technological upgrades to the equipment/facility infrastructure, and improved systems for ongoing management review. Your plan should also ensure that appropriate actions are taken throughout the company network.


· A retrospective review of drugs that may have been negatively impacted, including both chemical (e.g., dissolution, degradants) and microbiological attributes. The review should include factors such as elevated moisture levels due to leaks, and also include assessment of all records that would yield such information, including records on maintenance, deviations, and facility repairs.


· Test retain samples of moisture sensitive drugs manufactured during periods that leakage occurred in your facilities.


Ref.: [FDA][2020-11-24]WARNING LETTER-Aurolife Pharma, LLC


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