Day5|Cut In Line
今天是和大家一起学习英语播客的第 5 天。
= to describe something incredible, something amazing;
= to describe sb's frustration
unbelievable 没有明显的情感倾向,既可以形容很棒的令人难以置信的事情,也可以形容一些让人觉得窘迫、糟糕的事情,在不同的语境下用 unbelievable 的语调也不同。
= A great way to talk about the physical location in the future.
- Where will you be tomorrow?
- Don't worry! I'll be in the office.
= It's an exaggeration to describe very long.
= It's not possible…
指做某事是不可能的,英语中会将否定前置,比如下面这几组句子中,完成不了/ 找不到 / 没钱买,这些对于动词的否定都通过 no way 来实现。
- Do you think Mike will buy that house?
- There's no way that he has money to buy it.
= jump the queue (En)
cut in line 是美式英语的说法,相当于英式英语中的 jump the queue,是插队的意思。
- I hate when people cut in line in bank. It's so rude.
- I think it's ok for a pregnant woman cut in line.
另外,排队是在美式英语和英式英语中分别是 line up 和 queue up,写到这个词突然想到了今天看的段子...