我为30岁生日设计的游戏 A game for my 30th birthday

©️陶理 Hermione  Ben A’an in Callander

For my upcoming 30th birthday, I develop this game which combines questions I am genuinely curious and a few challenges I would like my friends, readers and whoever is interested in to try:
1. If you are an Animagus, which animal would be your first choice to turn into? Why?
Animagus refers to wizards or witch who can use their magic to turn into an animal they want to be.
2. What was the last film/video you watched which you still don’t regret your time and would recommend to your friends who share similar interests?
3. What’s the frequent podcast/music you listen to and would like to share with me?
4. If one of your used shoes becomes a Portkey, where would you like to be your destination?
A Portkey was a magical object enchanted to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location. In most cases, a Portkey was an everyday object that would not draw the attention of a Muggle.
5. Think of a close friend you have. How come you two became closer to each other?
6. If you accidentally take a Polyjuice potion and become me, what kind of life you would have? Anything different from your current life?
The Polyjuice Potion was a potion that allowed the drinker to assume the form of someone else. Again, it’s from Harry Potter series.
7.Conversation Challenge:
Invite someone (either at least 7 years younger than you or at least 7 years older than you) to discuss two questions from the above 1-6 questions. You two can each choose one question and decide how much you would like to share with me about your answers.
8.Share a book/text content (social media post, magazine, journal paper) that you finished reading in 2020 or 2021. In your opinion, it is worthy of my time to read.
9. What is the best dish/food you had in the past few days? (who made it; do you know the recipe? Do you have a photo?)
10. In the culture you had your childhood, did you enjoy the primary school you experienced? Anything in particular you would like to change if you can get your voice heard?
©️陶理 Hermione  Hampstead Heath in London
11. In the culture you had your teenage years, did you enjoy the secondary school you experienced? Anything in particular you would like to change if you can get your voice heard?
12. In the culture you had your higher education, did you enjoy the university/universities you experienced? Anything in particular you would like to change if you can get your voice heard?
13. How did you get yourself educated about (biological) sex and  (social/cultural) gender?
14. From 0 to 10, to what extent you are concerned about the climate challenge? (what have done?)
15. From 0-100, where would rate your current health level? How far are you from your target if you have any? (What are you doing to reach it? What else do you think you can do?)
16. When was the last time you made a donation and what was it for? (Was it a regular one?)
17. I have a question challenge: ask me a question (not from my list) you genuinely want to know from me or others who may see it. Remember: we all have our right to choose to answer it or not, the same as you.
18. Think of the culture(s) which you think have an huge impact on you, what influences you in a way that you are grateful? What maybe something you try to reduce or even remove?
19. Do you have any role model or someone (either real or fictional characters) you think highly of?  What makes them stand out?
20. Panel challenge: invite two people around your age (but either in different race or different gender identity) to choose three questions above). Again, you three choose and decide to tell me the answers or not.
©️陶理 Hermione  Hammersmith Bridge in London
21.Is there any specific food you would have for your birthday? Either a family tradition or a cultural tradition. Any story behind that?
22. How was your experience of learning geography? (Either in school, uni, self-taught, home school)
23.If you do not need to worry about expense and care duty, what would you like to do for the rest of your life?
24. The role of money in your life:
1)When did you realise: oh I wish I had more money then this is not a problem. (of course you can say this is never my concern)
2)What event made you realise: it is not all about money. Money cannot do everything.
25.Is there anyone who you once thought highly of and then became disappointed at or distant to them? What happened?
26. If you do not have worry about the limit of space, time and possibilities, who (not have to be only one) would you like to have dinner with?
27. Blindness challenge: First, find someone you trust and they trust you too.  Second, close your eyes and let them be your guide, walk 30minutes. Then it is their turn to close their eyes and you guide them to walk 30 minutes. After trying this out, share your feelings with each other. Similarly, it is up to you two to decide how much you want to share with me.
28.What are the frequent sources that you get yourself informed about the world outside your direct living experiences?
29.What would be your choice if you are invited to be part of a weekly journal, what topic would like to see more in this journal or even write more for this journal?
30. If you are over 30, how did you have your 30th birthday? If you are not yet 30, imagine how would you like to have your 30th birthday?

©️陶理 Hermione  A bench facing the Thames River

