
I open/ trun on/boot up my computer.打开电脑
I close/turn off /shut downmy computer.关闭电脑
Click/ Double-click/ Right-click (on) the application. 单击/双击/右击应用程序。
I'd like to surf/browse the Internet in my free time.业余时间,我喜欢上网。
browse:to search for information on a computer or on the Internet,(在计算机,尤指互联网上)搜寻信息,浏览信息
My computer starts acting up/My computer screen freezes. 我的电脑坏了
act up: to operate badly,运作不正常,出毛病
My computer began acting up and I lost a whole day's work.我的电脑坏了,我丢失了一整套工作
This car is acting up again.车坏了
My mouse and keyboard go haywire. 我的鼠标和键盘发生故障了。
go haywire:失控的,发生故障
I have some trouble formatting one of my files and got an error message when working on my spreadsheet program.在排版文件时,我遇到一些问题,使用电子表格程序时,收到一个错误信息。
spreadsheet program:电子表格程序
I keep these notes in an Excel spreadsheet.

I ran a virus scan on my computer,It turns out that I have a lot of infected files.我对电脑进行了病毒扫描,发现有很多感染电脑病毒的文件。
The file is not infected. It is safe to restore it. 该文件未被感染,可以安全的恢复。
I have no idea how I could have picked up a virus.我不知道怎么感染的(电脑)病毒
pick up:得(病),染上(疾病)
You have to make sure your anti-virus software is updated regularly.你应当确保杀毒软件定期被更新