本次案例选自位于纽约TriBeCa的建筑翻新项目。翻新后的阁楼将是第三代Vipp的主人Sofie和她的丈夫、两个孩子以及一只金毛猎犬的新家。住宅被自然光笼罩着,Farrow & Ball设计的白色和暖灰色色调的柔和色调营造出家的温馨。The residence is shrouded in natural light, and Farrow & Ball's soft colors of white and warm gray create the warmth of becoming a monk.
室内缺乏的是色彩,但设计师通过材料质地来弥补这一点:实心橡木地板和裸露的砌砖与Kvadrat布艺窗帘、软垫墙、铝橱柜和钢制桌面完美搭配,增添了空间的层次感和质感。What the interiors lack in colour, they more than make up for in texture as the solid oak floor planks and exposed brickwork are combined with Kvadrat curtains, upholstered walls, aluminium cabinets and steel tabletops.
Chaker的铝木制品是使该公寓脱颖而出的几个独特特征之一。客厅里光滑的天花板与地板和窗户成镜像,营造出双倍的高级感;Chaker’s aluminium millwork is one of several unique features that make the apartment stand out. A glossy ceiling in the living room mirrors the floor and windows creating a double height sensation;
厨房位于入口的对面,占据了公寓的中心,黑色模块化厨房系统占据了中心舞台。Set across from the entry, the kitchen occupies the heart of the apartment, with Vipp’s black modular kitchen system taking centre stage.
厨房放置了两个岛台,一个用于烹饪,配有雕塑感的烹饪台子。Two islands, one for cooking, complete with a sculptural cooking hood.
另一个作为餐桌,配有酒吧座椅,由高大的模块和Vipp的开放式机架结构作为背景。The other one is for dining, equipped with bar seating, complemented by a backdrop of tall modules and Vipp’s open rack system.
极简主义的空间掩盖了许多独特的细节,如Elie Chaker的粘土色铝木制品,打开柜门会发现由Abillama和 Egelunds设计的定制酒杯橡木储存系统。The minimalist space belies plenty of unique details such as the wall-to-wall clay-coloured extruded aluminium millwork by the Beirut-based Elie Chaker which open up to reveal a bespoke wine-glass oak storage system conceived by Abillama and the Egelunds.
Kvadrat面料的软垫墙用处多多,它隐藏了书房中的内置工作站,还取代了卧室中的床头板;Upholstered walls in Kvadrat fabric conceal a built-in workstation in the study and replace the need for a headboard in the bedroom;
定制玻璃隔断以其纤细的比例给卧室制造独特的形象,令人记忆深刻。A custom glass partition discretely separately the bedroom impresses with its slender proportions.
浴室采用了大量的天然石材,其中主浴室中的弧形淋浴间用凹槽Ceppo石材华丽包裹,质感十足。A curved shower in the master bathroom is sumptuously wrapped in fluted Ceppo stone.
书房摆放着定制版本的小屋桌,该桌由实心石灰华制成,桌腿上排布着成列的凹槽。As well as custom designs not yet in production like the custom version of the newly released Vipp Cabin Table which is made of solid travertine with fluted legs.
与Vipp的当代产品相混合的是这对夫妇收藏的Scandinavian艺术和复古家具的精选品,主人借这些家具向丹麦传统致敬。Intermixed with Vipp’s contemporary products is a curated selection from the couple’s collection of Scandinavian art and vintage furniture that pay homage to the family company’s Danish heritage.
最能体现该项目的混合独特性和传奇轨迹的作品是客厅里的一张简朴的桌子,这张桌子是由Sofie的祖父Holger Nielsen制作的,以精美的绿白混色大理石桌面和金属底座为特点。The piece that best encapsulates both the project’s hybrid uniqueness and Vipp’s storied trajectory is a modest desk in the living room which boasts an exquisite green and white marble tabletop and a metal base that was crafted by ’s grandfather, Holger Nielsen.
Sofie说:“我们喜欢测试和探索新材料,看看它如何重新变换出新的Vipp产品模样。”“We like to test and explore new materials and see how it re-imagines our Vipp products”, Sofie explains.